Chapter Seven


I turn around and his lips crashes into mine.

I instantly freeze. I mean, come on! What do you expect me if someone suddenly attacks me with his lips?

His lips have now gone away and so has he. He is smirking at me, probably analyzing my next possible moves.

I look at him for once, give an awkward smile and start the ignition. I back my car from the parking lot and drive carefully through the icy streets.

"She is your best friend, isn't she?" He asks me still stating at me intently.

"Yes, she is and she's the best." I chuckle thinking about her crazy moments.

From the corner of my eyes, I see his lips tug upwards and his next question catches me off guard.

"So, why do you exactly want orgasms?"

In shock, I give a brake and the car stops. My head instantly snaps to him. He is looking like a model, sitting in my car, his hair ruffled in a sexy way and his smirk evident in the dark interior of the car. My breath hitches and I suddenly remember his obviously-not-so-awkward question.

"Frankly? Yes, I want because I used to give fake orgasms while having sex to boost my sex partner's confidence. But as time went, my age grew, I became impatient and it resulted in a different way. Either, you give me real orgasms or just fuck off situation. Win-win situation for me." I say and he chuckles. Is that a chuckle? Definitely a melody.

His hand rests in my thighs and somehow, it doesn't feel uncomfortable. It feels natural.

I start driving again and there is silence except the rythmic breaths of Anna. He is still staring at me and his hands are rubbing my thighs.

His hands move towards my core and my breath hitches. He knows I can't cross my legs because of the brakes and accelators. And Heath is using that to his full advantage.

I stop the car and look at him sternly.

"If you don't stop what you're doing now, I will strangle you now. If you don't stop, I can't reach my home." I say to him sternly and even in the dark, I see, his lips tugging upwards.

Is he really in amusement now while not a minute ago, he was teasing me? I guess so.

I glare at him and again start my car. I speed through the streets, while thinking about someone.

Heath lives in East Renton Highlands, then what is he doing in Leavenworth? Just to visit a bar? How did he reach here? Does he have a car? Was meeting with him, a coincidence?

I look at him through the corner of my eyes and his eyes meet mine. He is still staring at me, with amusement. For what exactly?

Soon, I reach Anna's apartment. I park my car on her driveway and come out. Heath is beside me, ready to help me.

I give him an apologetic smile and he shrugs. We both drag her to her house. I unlock her door while he keeps her steady somehow. He has a quite nice body - I know, I am lying, he's hot - so he doesn't have any problem with Anna. While Heath looks around her apartment, I take her to her bedroom and tuck her inside her duvet after removing her heels and coat. What can I say? I am a great best friend.

I walk into the living room, suddenly feeling nervous. I don't really care what strangers think of me but somewhere I am feeling nervous to be with Heath...alone. Heath is sitting on the sofa of Anna's living room and typing something on his phone. As soon as I come in, his head snaps upwards and he grins. He gets up from the sofa and stuffs his phone back inside his jeans.

I walk towards the sofa to sit down and pat beside myself, telling him to do the same. He turns towards me and smirks.

"Is this your apartment?" He asks me.

"No. It is Anna's apartment. You should go home. It's getting late." I say looking at him and giving a tight-lipped smile.

He frowns. "Is there something wrong? It's just nine. I don't go home now. Let me drop you off."

"What are you doing here Heath? You live in East Renton Highlands. This is not your home. Where will you go?" I say slowly and look away, nervously tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

He chuckles," You want to know how we met today at the same bar and why am I here. Don't you?" I nodded and looked at him questioningly.

"I came here for a business deal and will go day after tomorrow. I thought of seeing the beauty of this place but decided, I can after all go for sight seeing tomorrow and thought to myself,' why not go to a bar?' ", he shrugged," so, now I'm here in front of you. The meeting with you was purely a coincidence." He chuckled.

I frowned and the gears where turning in my head. Maybe he's telling the truth. After all, he was talking to Anna when I decided to butt in.

I shrugged and give him a genuine smile. I asked," Where do you work?"

He smirked,"I told you Callista. If you come in the list of my trustworthy people, I'll tell you. What about you?"

"Well, I'll see if telling you. If you can keep a secret, so can I. Also, only if you come under my trustworthy list." I smirked at him too and grinned.

He didn't reply but stared at me. I took the moment to fill him in my brain. He looks much better than his photos but who didn't? His eyes were my favourite, giving a whole lot of intensity. His face was sculpted perfectly with angular jawlines and prominent cheek bones. His ruffled hair was a dark brown colour and lay on his forehead. My hands suddenly twitched to touch them, like I did. Suddenly that idea and his plump lips made me remember our kiss. I blushed like a crazy tomato.

I realised he was still staring at me and suddenly the feeling of consciousness overtook me. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked anywhere but him.

His lips crashed mine and I gasped. Who could have prepared me for this? Ya, no one. He kissed me hungrily and willingly, after some time I started kissing him back. The warmth was something that made me forget that I live in a cold place. He bit on my lower lip and I moaned. Taking the chance he slipped his tongue and explored my every corner. But I fight for dominance. Soon, I took the charge and bit on his lips, recieving a groan from him. We fought for dominance, our lips synced together to match the rhythm.

We fought for dominance, never losing the battle but realising that we both needed oxygen, we pulled back, unwillingly. He leaned his forehead on mine and we panted heavily. I blushed, seeing him giving me a genuine smile. It was the most breathtaking for me in my list now.

"I want to do so many things to you, Callista. That definitely includes kiss and orgasms. But you as well as we know, I can't make you cum if we are in your friend's apartment. Can we go?" He huskily whispered, making me shiver. I nodded, not able to form words. His voice made my blood flow in a rapid state, spreading something unknown inside me.

But he was right. We can't do anything in Anna's apartment and I looked forward to his bold promises.

"Why are so bold?" I suddenly asked as we walked to my car. Obviously, I would drive cause it is my car and anyway, he doesnt know exactly where I live.

"Why are so dominant?" He retorted chuckling.

I grinned. I know, I'm dominant in every work. Especially during sex, I liked to dominate and tease with the opposite one but he doesn't need to know that. So, I met quite and climbed in the driver seat. After all, no one messes with my car.

He opened the passenger seat, placed his hand on my upper thigh. Told you, he was bold. I smiled internally. He looked at me and came closer to me, nibbling my earlobe, making me moan and whispered huskily," Cause, it is my personality."

He pulled away, smirked at me but still kept his hand on my thigh, not that I minded, but still. I rolled my eyes at his failed attempts to make me attract. Okay, I'm lying. He attracts me but I have a clear sense not to get myself involved with a player who is definitely a mystery.

Ignoring his stares and the unknown feeling of rather warmth, I drove to my apartment, a few blocks away and thought to myself.

Way to have orgasms, Callista.