Ch.2 Oh Sh*t

I have always enjoyed reading the subjects I was interested in. Thanks to my last life being an engineer having ample of degrees to go along with it in this life I would try something different along the lines of genetics, astronomist maybe even a neuro doctor of some kind either of them which interests me more. I had started running around now like a good little child also convinced my caretakers to let me see around the books they had around the orphanage she just thought I was just moving the pages, I was obviously going through the history records to see whether the matched my own knowledge. Which I found most of them were same at least the recent one's the older the records the more inconsistent they were but I didn't put much thought into it since I didn't have perfect memory to remember everything perfectly.

Then 'The day' or the day after if you wanted to be technical happened and the whole of my list went to shit maybe a slight exaggeration or maybe not? 31st October 1981 on that night suddenly there were many fire crackers going off I thought it was odd but nothing to be worried about but next day my eyes popped out of my sockets from what I saw large groups of people celebrating around everywhere in what one can only call big bed sheets around them? I definitely had not about this kind of trend even in the 80's in my original world. I saw quite a few maybe because I was in heart of London or just by coincidence then I saw it. Seeing 'it' was a big very big no no. well what was this 'it' it was a wooden stick small little stick I can't mistake that for anything else, yup wands. At first I thought this was just people coming from the new universal or something. My mind refused to come to reality the only possible outcome was this was a elaborate prank from someone from my past life it must be maybe my mom was a cosmic entity and playing jokes on me? It must be !! or maybe just a tiny tiny slight minuscule possibility that this was harry potter's world. OH SH*T indeed.

Well I ran as fast as I could more appropriate to say I wobbled as fast as I could. when all of the children were ready to go home. I of course wobbled and sat on my bed crossed my legs as it helps me concentrate and thought back on today. It was not like I saw people doing magic but everything matched the robes the wands and the DATE. Then I obviously did what everyone should when they find that people around them can alter space ass, they could time travel as they wished or just use the tiny little sticks to just force people to do as they wished. Look for my magic and look I did of course not physically in my mind? body? Soul? But before that I shouted yes shouted loudly "Lumos" I mean I had to try maybe I was overpowered or hadn't unlocked a system that I didn't know before nothing will faze me anymore dammit nothing! Not even a fart nothing happened well was worth a try.

I got into standard meditation position crossed the one in which I felt the most comfortable in and tried to zone myself out. I was obviously no expert on these things I read quite a few books about it in my last life about different stages of mind conscious unconscious. The basic gist of it was to look myself in third person. I started emptying my mind trying to concentrate on one word it always helped to tune out other thoughts just that one word or me anything that can help you centre yourself I guess which you feel most connected with at that point I obviously choose 'magic' the simplest desire I had that moment to be different? Special? Looking into myself sort of off. It was stupid now looking back at it I didn't even where to look for it in the first place. After unknow amounts time had passed I was into semi meditative state I could say the best then there was blue? White? couldn't make much out of it and tired fell asleep.

Next day I woke up unsure what I had seen well at least I knew that I was not mundane or non-magical hopefully and can only hope that light was magic. No point in brooding about being muggleborn and not heir to one of the wealthy houses or something I was just glad and dumbstruck at the possibilities. I couldn't concentrate anything that day. My list, my list had just gone to sh*t. Everything else was secondary first and the most important priority was obviously occlumency. I obviously don't know anything about it but between all the sherlock novels and the fanfiction ideas I could manage something in the 8 years I had and protect my mind from being invaded randomly, before I could get my hands on something more researched. Alright now that I had something to do with my time, I would need to change my plans accordingly and have a new list soon.