A story about magic. It will mainly follow the protagonist in his own adventure and findings about magic. It will be the same time line as the original story but will hopefully follow it's own plot and will continue even after Hogwarts.
I'm unsure whether to continue so please show support as well as criticism in the reviews if you wish to see more for more support www.patreon.com/JaySawant
Author here if you somehow stumbled onto this story thank you and if you would like me to continue updating please show your support in anyway you see fit.
i love THE HARRY POTTER please continue
The story is good but the grammar is weird. It started off good but later into the story it slowly got worse, at first it was a couple words and then it was a lot more, then even more, and so on and so forth. The mc also doesn't have a last name.
Really liking it so far, can’t wait for more Enjoyed your take on the sorting hat, keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Autor continue escrevendo que eu sei que essa vai ser uma das melhores histórias de fiction que a web novel tem.[img=update][img=recommend][img=exp][img=update][img=recommend][img=exp]
Brilliant i would say, no shit fast forward, nicely written, like it and the atmosphere just hoped you could make him interact with people more
lacking a little dialogue, not to mention that it would be interesting to get involved with the canonical characters, and help them so that they do not live in the war, a little romance would be interesting, and to see the reactions of the protagonist._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Enjoying so far keep it up Enjoying so far keep it up Enjoying so far keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The rating might change in the future since I recently picked up the story. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Me gusta lástima que este en sus inicios me gustaría ver más capítulos pero entiendo el desarrollo lento. Sólo no te desanimes y sigue adelante
Its good. Writing is rock solid. Some novel idead i like. Wands don't cost 35. pounds(no clue how Weasleys are that poor. Its modtly a classic SI. I like the amount of opness he has. The author takes a far more conservative stance on how much power the mc could gather pre hogwarts. In that aspect it feels more realistic than any other ff i have red, but also doesn't feel like the mc is squandering his potential and advantages. I kind of hate it when the mc has nothing to learn in Hogwarts and just waits until he can sneak off into the ror. I realy hope you guys won't ruin the authors fun in writing this, once you realise, that this is some high quality stuff and swarm this fic to satiate your ff cravings.