Ch.13 First day of school

After following the prefect into the dorms. Which was on the 5th floor of one of the west side towers. It was one of the highest points in Hogwarts with our house symbol being a bird, it fitted perfectly. It would give us a clear view of the lake, the forest and the greenhouse. The door had no door knobs or keyholes which would make it quite easy to find an entrance to our dorms. The door asked a riddle to everyone who wanted entry which made it easier for any other students smart enough to enter but it also had its upsides anyone including any teachers or headmasters not smart enough would be denied entry into the dorms which would be quite a funny scene seeing a teacher stuck outside the dorms. This made it so that the Ravenclaw teacher in charge could not be dumb, sort of a job requirement to be smart.

The dorms were covered in the shades of blue and silver. It looked majestic in the center of the dorms there was a huge library. The prefects explained it contained books used by older students after they didn't them. The library was huge so you can imagine the size of the common room. Above the library contained a statue of Rowena Ravenclaw with the famous diadem on her hear. She looked like one of the Greek goddess statues I saw in my past life. The library was free to use anytime we just had to make sure that the books returned to the place they were taken from.

There were 14 of us sorted into Ravenclaw this time. The number was on decline I heard less than half of the number of what it usually is. The people were split in groups of 3. There were 6 girls in total which would share 2 rooms and 8 of us boys. I guess, I got lucky maybe being split into the group with 2 guys, could be my charm as well. We would be getting our schedules tomorrow morning during breakfast. The breakfast timings were 7 am to 8:30 am, the schedules would be provided at 8 am tomorrow during breakfast at the Ravenclaw table. I took the time to look at my roommate possible for the rest of the 7 years. His name was Roger Davies, I swear I had heard that name somewhere either way he was a typical quidditch fanatic. The rooms were pretty neat not small like I imagined we had sort of a partition of rooms between mine and roger's so we would each have our own space and privacy.

Before he could go on talking about quidditch I reminded him that we would need to wake up early tomorrow. He agreed and then I was finally left to myself on the bed a partition of a small wall and some sort of drapes to have my privacy. I was just going through all that had happened yesterday all the things that I knew and what was my plan for tomorrow. I suppose the exploring of the castle would have to wait for the weekends if my classes were packed and I would come out as an oddball already if I started missing gatherings and common room times since day one. I check the time on my pocket watch it was already nearing 12. I would wake up at 7am work out for 30 to 45 mins get ready and head to the hall closer to 8. With all that done before sleeping I practice the wandless levitating charm along with mending charm with my wand and after I'm tired, I head to sleep.

Early next morning. Waking up doing set of push ups and other exercises to get myself awake and to get myself ready for along day of sitting in one place. I get ready, thankfully we had our own bathrooms to get ready. I Neatly comb my hair wondering how long will it take for the pony to form. Wear my glasses and the blue silver lined robes which look odd but well on me. I meet up with lavender and her other friends in the common room and head together for breakfast. The timings were 9am to 1:15 pm morning classes. After lunch till 2 we had one more class from 2 to 4. 6 hours classes every day. I would at least be enjoying learning new things now. The subjects were Potions Charms Transfiguration Defense against dark arts Herbology History of magic along with Flying and Astronomy, the last two were only once a week.

Our first class was coincidentally charms with Gryffindor. At least the professor was kind enough to write the exactly how to get to the classes or general direction. 20 minutes of walking around and admiring the castle we reached the class. The first class wasn't as excited as I hoped it would be. He still had the cheery personality and enthusiasm but he went over all that we would be covering this year and how would the classes work. Basically, we would have half and half of theory and practical's, in theory he would cover the different uses of the charms as well the original history behind how the charm came to be, which was interesting since such things weren't covered while just reading a book these things you can get from experience only it seems. I didn't know what I was thinking maybe I thought it would be like potions in which we would just practice wand movements and pronunciation and be done with it. He also said for the fast learners he would make the charm more challenging or help them focus on controlling their magic better once they had mastered the spell. All in all I was very satisfied with the lecture it may change once I get better with magic learn more about it. I'll just have to wait and see.

After two hours of charms we had one hour of herbology with Hufflepuffs. I was more interested in magical animals than plants but I knew the importance of the subject since it would form the foundation for my potions and care of magical creatures. The first class was in fact very boring for the subject we were introduced to the dangers of magical plants how not being careful can land you in the hospital and in the upper years can even cause permanent damage. A bit extreme for 11-year old's I think but then again, we did carry tools of mass destruction with us, so who was I to judge. We were also told that we would not be visiting the greenhouse before 2nd year which was also a big bummer as it looked like that adventure would have to wait.

This was followed by History of magic for one hour. I realize that history was an important subject but I couldn't be bothered by it. How can someone make the subject so monotonous I can't understand. Imagine an audio book in generic voice playing non stop without a pause on something you're not interested in. History was needed. I had to know how things came to be in order to know more about them. How people wiped the memory of almost all non-magical people, how did mundane and magical coexist, how were certain creatures created, how and why were certain myths created. Everything had to be known if I wanted to get into deeper research but I'll just do it in self-study. I will have to look up some sort of charm to block of noise tonight it looks like.

After the horrid hour of history of magic, we had lunch from 1:15 to 2 we all sat together mostly Ravenclaws I was besides Davies and Lavender with their friends sitting besides them. We were talking about how the classes were, there were also seniors who were showing some magic to the juniors. There were also the rumors of two Gryffindor's who got into trouble in the first class of potions and had points deducted must be the twin terrors I deduced. The lunch was also too heavy to my liking it looked like a trip to the kitchens was necessary at least to find an alternative to the horrid pumpkin juice and being friendly with the elves would undoubtedly be useful.

The last class for today was actually transfiguration from 2 to 4pm no potions for us today. I couldn't wait to meet Professor Snape, no matter how messed up he might be. He was undoubtedly the most brilliant spell and potion maker in Hogwarts under Dumbledore and on par with Flitwick no doubt. Transfiguration is one of the most useful subjects to master. No mater what the field, transfiguration would be useful. Battle transfiguration to fight fellow wizards, to make constructs out of nothing, to contain magical creatures and if I could ever achieve that level of human transfiguration then it could be use to easily disguise myself. I would be looking into the Animagus theory as well no doubt about it but that would come much later on.

When I saw the cat with steel like eyes eyeing every student, I knew that this class would be interesting. Looking at the transformation done so smoothly I did crave for it. It would require so much work, I would have to master normal transfigurations first like creating clothes out of something, turning inanimate into animate and at least have a general understanding of human transfiguration. No one becomes an Animagus overnight. She warned us about the dangers of transfiguration. Rest of the class was theory as well she explained why is it dangerous and how this branch of magic required the most discipline out of all other branches. A spell or charm gone wrong would most of the times not work or at most cause some damage but in transfiguration you are changing the very nature of the object pumping magic into a non-magic entity to change it's shape and nature the consequences of unsupervised and reckless trying of this field of magic would be disastrous which made sense since I saw a lot of kids trying to wave their wands and try out different charms today.

With that done the classes for today were over. I was no glory hound and knowing that house cups were used to control 1000 teenage children made me even less inclined to strive for house points. I did earn some during charms but rest of them time I was happy with learning things. I would strive to show my excellence during Prof. Flitwick's classes as I may require his favor in the future. With that done I moved to the library it was gigantic at least maybe twice the size of common hall room. Filled with books my eyes no doubt looked like stars at that moment. The only sad part was they were not arranged in some sort of learning order. They were just divided in sections based on the branch of magic. Looks like I'll be doing most of my studies in the room of requirements later on. For now, I was content with sitting with my fellow Ravenclaws and going over the theory of this year's books which I had not covered yet.

Mostly memorizing herbology and different potion recipes I know it was not required but if you could remember with minimal effort due to sorting out my memories in my mind i would do it. I had an easier time remembering things it was definitely not to the point of instant memorization but by putting some effort in I could retain a lot of things. Rest of the time I spent in the library which was two and a half hours apparently the dinner was held at 7:30 which was completely unacceptable to me maybe I'll adjust into it. Not sure. After dinner from 8 to 10 I would practice my magic and exhaust myself being the first day I decided to spend time in the dorms but both the library time and magic practice time could be moved to the ROR it looked like. After trying simple charms from the book in the Ravenclaw common room library I would mediate and go over the things I learned from 10 to 11 on my own sleeping after that.

With that done my first day at Hogwarts came to an end. Nothing to exciting or dangerous happened but it was a fulfilling day nonetheless. So, I had a general time table I would follow in mind expect for Thursdays on which I would have astronomy in the night and weekends would be used to explore Hogwarts. Morning would be 7 am half an hour of exercise following with breakfast and time spent with friends. From 9 am to 4 pm I would consider it as school. 4pm to 5pm or 6 depending on the homework of that day would be done that time might be spent in the ROR or the library depending on the situation. After that till dinner would be self-study on the topics, I'll divide later on based on days. After dinner at 7 to 8pm. 8 to 10pm before curfew would be my time to practice magic in the ROR. 10 to 11pm would be meditation and 11 to 7 would get me a good 8 hours of sleep. Let the grind begin!