Ch. 12 The sorting hat

The train ride after that point was very light hearted. Tonks acted like a bridge between us, I asked her many questions about how her metamorphic abilities work. The girls were interested in that too. I learned about the girls as well, one of their parent's lavender had a ice cream store in diagon alley and Alice's dad was an auror. Which had Tonks going as her ambition was apparently to become one. Saying no one believed because she might be too clumsy. I assured her that she could do it. We had a pleasant conversation about the houses as well since she was in Hufflepuff she was acting like a recruiter which I laughed at. I think she almost swayed lavender as well. Alice didn't have a preference. I told them I would most likely be Ravenclaw a look of understanding appeared on their faces.

I enjoyed the time spent with them even though Tonks left half way through telling she had to meet her other friends. We had an enjoyable conversation. They sometimes asked me about muggle things which I could answer easily while I asked them how it was living in a magical home. I asked whether they studied before coming here to which they said they had skimmed over the books but parents didn't let them practice magic much before they turned 11 which was quite odd.

The train ride came to an end. We all moved together I saw the red head twins and the famous pretty boy Cedric. Then I saw Hagrid he was definitely huge now I understood really why no creatures harmed him they probably couldn't. He towered over me almost more then two and a half times my size and both my hands thickness combined together wouldn't be able to match one of his. We got into the boats there was definitely something moving under water but I wasn't about to find out what anytime soon.

Then the castle came in view. The castle was sitting on a mountain rock, from far we could see the whole castle was lit up and lights coming from the window made it look like a gigantic lantern. It projected the feeling of security and mightiness. The founders If they built the castle from scratch, I couldn't describe my amazement. Getting down from the boats we were made to wait in the lobby. Where two of the ghosts came floating in through the walls. A few shrieks from girls and a whole lot of wicked from the teens later. Professor Mcgonagall came in introduced herself and asked us to follow her in.

The common hall room was huge very very huge. I felt like Hogwarts could be called the best school based on the castle alone. There were 4 rows of tables in place each housing about 200 to 250 students. The hall contained approximately 1000 students and everyone was sitting quite comfortably might have been charmed to hold as many students as possible? I was not sure. Every piece of the castle felt enchanted the magic was so thick, I could feel it. As I moved my head towards the table where teachers were sitting.

Of course, the first person I saw was the light lord himself. I might have become too biased reading different stories about him but I know the man was at least a master manipulator. Just the fact that he told harry about his plan or the prophecy when he was about to die was a no no in my books. He didn't look like the person who had gone through two wars and defeated one of the most brilliant wizards of his time and stood toe to toe with the other dark lord who sacrificed his humanity for power. He looked like an elderly grandfather. He obviously portrayed power but the protective kind. I could easily spot most of the other people I knew Flitwick who had a cheery smile on his face, probably going to be my favorite teacher no doubt. He looked quite young for someone old and still could kick ass I had no doubt being the duellist champion for so many years.

Snape had an emotionless face. Checking out his new dunderheads I suppose. There were others like Hagrid Pomfrey and Sprout but these 3 commanded all my attention. Then I saw the *HAT* after the hat singing his song about various houses and their virtues Professor McGonagall started calling out for different students. Alice was called first who was placed in Gryffindor, understandable. She nodded to where we were standing and walked off to the Gryffindor table which was obviously happy. I doubt the whole ever was unhappy. Others also were sorted as the canon red head twins in Gryffindor and Cedric in Hufflepuff. Lavender to my surprise actually ended up in Ravenclaw.

When it was my time I finally. I had one of the most interesting conversations yet. Hat: "Hoho what do we have here? Quite the interesting case you are. Many I have placed over the centuries but you might be one of the most curious one's" Me: "Hello sir. How do you determine where to place someone looking into their minds, I ask genuinely curious by the answer?" Hat: "Hohoho Mr. Ignieus who told you I look into their heads. I would have been burned down long ago if the was the case I just put them where they will shine the brightest or be accepted the most."

A look of understanding flashes through my mind Divination I conclude. Hat: "Quite the bright one aren't you. So where would you like to go Ravenclaw is what you think is the ideal choice but Slytherin would do you good as well." Genuinely shocked by the choices I couldn't help but ask Me: "Sir I understand Ravenclaw but why Slytherin. I don't really have any big ambitions to be big or well known. Isn't that a big trait to be placed for Slytherin?" Hat: "Hohoho who said just being popular or being well known are ambitions. Ambitions can be anything and you might actually have one of the biggest ones." Me: "Please place me where I would learn the most." I conclude.

The hat shouts loudly "RAVENCLAW"

With slow claps around the table. I walk my way and sit besides Lavender and go through what happened.

Sorting Hat definitely the most ingenious piece of magic I have ever come across or probably will ever come across even counting the room of requirements. The hat itself could divine and place a student where they would fit and benefit the most. It was almost like the founders had built their personal artificial intelligence a millennium ago. Did they put someone's soul in the hat wiped it clean and gave it instructions? Or did they actually enchant it to divine and to hold intelligent conversations.

It might even be related to the sentience of the castle I was not sure. The hat played such an insignificant role in the series but the amount of effort that might have been put into creating it was surely phenomenal. Now living here, seeing the hat I couldn't wait to explore the possibilities. If an object can be enchanted to divine and place a millennium worth of students what other possibilities were out there? The feast was almost over everyone was heading to their dorms.

I couldn't help but think this life would be much more exciting than I could have ever expected, an unexpected grin showing up on my face before I followed others to see my dorms.