Ch.5 year of the change

Finally, it's happening. I'm going to see it for myself whether it's real or just a dream. I have everything planned out enough money to exchange for around 4 galleons for now I don't remember the accurate range of book prices. I was sure the wands costed between 7 to10 galleons usually so books which could be copied by a simple gemino charm if remembered correctly would surely be cheaper either way this way all my savings you can say and the earnings, I won by competing in martial art tournaments. I honestly should be waiting more but I'm getting impatient and need more knowledge. Must obtain knowledge!! *cough cough*

Either way a whole large portion of it depended on how friendly the bar tender was. The plan was simple that there was no plan. I was going to walk into a shady bar wait for a good moment and then directly ask the bartender if he could let me in diagon alley. I'll just make things up as I go, I appear to be 7 or 8 which can be common still have the baby fat but my body is coming along nicely. I have dark black hair and hazel color eyes nothing that stands about me very much. It's a weekend hopefully the bar is not too filled so I can easily slip in. Well here goes nothing.

After a good walk from the orphanage I told the care taker I was going to a nearby library don't know how they leave a kid alone for that but well I'm pretty responsible for my age. So, well I started walking around the area where I knew the bar was. Then I saw it the famous pub. I quietly enter the pub it was noon so business was going slow I could say I observe for a moment take the surrounding in I could see many witches and wizards sitting around there were quite a few in muggle clothes as well so I didn't stand out much. I did appear out of place but I decided to wear black at least somewhat of an attempt to blend in. Soon I made my way towards the man whom I can describe mostly as tall 'Tom' if I remembered correctly was the name.

I go forward just to appear in his way stay quite for a moment. He looks at me and says "What are you doing here boy a bit too early for you to buy anything from here." I look at him and say "Sir I actually needed your help to get into diagon alley." He looks at me for a moment and then looks around he see's no around me then asks "You alone boy?" I answer "yes sir" he just looks at me and mumbles something inaudible could be cursing or wondering I'm not so sure either way he asks me to follow him I obey and think well this is going splendidly. We move to the back and he takes out his wands and taps on the wall and I see it in all it's glory the ever so famous diagon alley. I was just so happy it must have showed on my face because tom just looks at me. I thank him and ask whether there was a way I could enter without bothering him since I didn't have a wand. He just looks at me and I think 'common charms this is the moment if ever please work.' Do the best puppy dog eyes I can make I'm six and who doesn't like children with cute eyes huh?! And lo and behold he told me that there was a cabinet of sorts in the corner which just leads to the side of entrance in case the charms need to be changed or they get damaged and I think to myself obviously people need to get out of here as well and think about how I didn't think about that. With that sorted I thank him and decided to run in the alley without making the situation more stressful.

If I didn't have success in my minor attempts to rein in my emotions, I would be doing a victory dance right now. I was like a kid in a candy story except instead of the store it was a whole alley! I move around looking at everything the air here felt different as well. Must be all the magic around the shops I figured I can't tell the difference but there was definitely one I saw many stores around which they didn't describe in the books there were obviously the normal potion ingredient shops, broom shops , candy shop the very famous and one and only Olivanders there were many other things as well like I saw a couple of candy shops I kept walking there were many shops that appeared to be what I can call offices of some sort. I didn't venture closely to any of the shops there were no libraries like I was hoping for I did see the bookstore I was looking for but before that came the second difficulty of today's adventure.

I needed to exchange my muggle money for galleons which might go wrong I don't have any idea about how the goblin culture works of if they would entertain me. I came before the majestic looking building the guards looked at me for a second and then returned to their posture it's not like a kid without magic could do anything worth attracting their attention. Either way I entered and see a line of tellers as it was written besides them. I decided it would be too idiotic to approach the guy in the middle who looked older in some way and appeared to side of one of the tellers who seem to be busy writing something just back enough so they can see me as well hear me clearly I ask him in a clear voice " sir teller?" of what seemed a moment he did look up and asked in a very rough voice "yes?" I tell him I wanted to convert the muggle money into wizarding and remove it from my pockets. Without asking any further questions he just looks at my hand and then the money I had in mine levitates to his and after a second of counting he levitates some money into my hand I calmly take it and walk out of the bank while showing no emotions on my face. Well that does it, it could have gone way better I could have asked for currency exchange rate or something like that but no point in asking something I could calculate.

I had just over 3 galleons now and a book store in mind. It can be said it was the first stop I enter you could say that I was making a big fuss about little things but well I was alone in this big bad world and everything was new on top of that. I was attracted there where shelves and shelves of books I could see. I look around there was a store keeper minding his own business I look around and see books on different subjects which would do me no good right now so I just skim over them. I decided to just directly ask the man at the counter I politely asked him for two books one regarding basic magic theory and other regarding different ingredients. He just looked at me for one second then went somewhere I can only guess to fetch the books so no flying book fetching trick from this guy I think. He brought two books for me to see which were named basic magic theory for beginners and potion ingredients. Looks like I nailed it I just nod to him and ask how much he says 2 galleons and 10 sickles I just hand him over the money and take the books. It takes all my willpower to not read them right there and then.

Making my way back to the orphanage I just think how well everything went maybe I was thinking about things a little bit too deeply. I stare at the two books in my hand pleased with todays adventure nonetheless. Entering the orphanage, I just cover the two books with my hand they don't attract much attention as I'm always seen around with books. I need to be extra careful with both of these so that it doesn't lead to any incidents deciding to hide them with my other writing material for now and always keep it in my bag and keep the bag near me. I move onto the bed and start reading and absorbing every piece of information in the book.

What can I say another year I almost coming to an end its December of 1984. I finished reading the book on magical theory in less than a week's time always had to read it in the evening alone. It did clear a lot of things for me potions book took along time almost 3 months but I think I have most of the stuff memorized it was actually a surprise when the book had pictures next to the ingredients as well took me a long time but I finally managed to do it. It seems everyone has a magic core the core is located in a person's soul sort of meaning you can't see it physically by cutting someone no matter how powerful in general terms. The reason being it takes along time for body to get adjusted to handle magic and also the time it takes for the core to develop which is why I'm glad I didn't do anything reckless. It does say that doing magic itself will not harm to core after early childhood years that's why I guess accidental magic doesn't do any kind of damage to the core. The theory of practicing magic like a muscle also seems like a good idea now. I have continued the practice of meditating and I can feel it now. Like I'm almost there just a little push and I'll be able to do it.

The magical theory sadly didn't go into details about what magic actually is. Like do you actually consider it as a force like gravity or electromagnetic force which you can use to change into another force. It did say that everyone has their own magical theory so as to say and I need to get into the mindset of accepting things like magical rules are definitely absurd sometimes and for me to believe in myself to fulfil the intent part of the magic I will need to realize that this is not the old world anymore where everything follows set rules. Magic will make everything and anything possible when you're skilled and powerful enough. I will be at a disadvantage due to being in a magically dry place of sorts for which I'll just have to cover it up in Hogwarts so as to make sure maximum development.

I had my own assumptions relating to the magical core as it relates to the illusive soul. I realize it would depend on the capacity of the soul that would determine the maximum amount or quality of magic you could use that would explain Dumbledore and maybe also harry because his soul was always under stress making it stronger somehow but how did the good old voldy be powerful even after splitting his soul multiple times? I could only guess that it related somehow to the dark mark as when he was in spirit form the dark mark would lighten and when he came back it grew darker some sort of method to connect siphon other people's soul or magic into his own? If that was the case then voldy was much smarter then I made him out to be or at least was. I need to remember that this was not a book anymore but my life and things will definitely not be as 'child friendly' as they are meant to be putting it mildly.

Everything else back of my mind I can't wait anymore finally learning new things finding myself my magic my mind palace I just couldn't wait for the coming year. If lily and Snape could well fly lily's before Hogwarts you best believe I'll be able to make fly at least coins like the teller.