Ch. 19 Year End

Waking up it took me a couple of minutes to realize where I was and what had happened. Recalling last night, I immediately wish for the room to summon a mirror. Looking into the mirror a wave of relief washes over me. Thank you, mother magic for not turning me into some sort of Orichimaru Voldy hybrid. I always had a bad feeling about snakes. Well at least appearance wise everything looked normal. I had retained my charms! I would put it at number 2 priority after my magic.

I sit down in the meditative position crossing my legs to see whether I can spot any differences in my mind space. Still nothing, I didn't feel much different either just maybe more refreshed. I couldn't spot anything wildly different so I just assumed everything went ok! Never going to try that again though till I at least know what the magic had happened last night. Opening the door near Ravenclaw dorms I make my way towards my room. No doubt I would have some answering to do.

Roger was waiting it looked like. As soon as I crashed on the bed. I heard him say "So where have you been? Spending night out together with Lavender already?" looking shocked at him "Where the hell did that come from? We are 11 Roger that is disgusting." He just looked at me "Whatever, we all know there is something going on." He said. Going with my planned excuse I say "I just was reading in an empty classroom and fell asleep without realizing. Thankfully didn't get caught by a prefect." He just nods. 'whew! Dodged that one' I think.

The whole castle was in a festive mood. I had realized during the last few days that I had totally missed getting a gift for my senior tonks. We didn't interact much since she was busy with her friends most of the time but when we do happen to meet, she did look out for me. I decide to gift her some book based on pranks. She will enjoy it quite a bit I feel like. Will have to include a note in it to make sure it doesn't end up in the hands of certain pair of red head terrors.

On the Christmas day itself I was awoken by Roger violently shaking me up. "What's wrong with you? Better have a good excuse or I know some nasty jinxes." Roger "Wake up already it's Christmas, you need some holiday spirit in you." Contemplating whether I should get up or not and going through my mind searching for jinxes to hit him with. He drags me towards the presents neatly wrapped up and arranged for us. I wonder whether santa was some wizard using the floo that got seen by the muggles.

We each go towards our presents. Roger with more excitement with me. It would be my first Christmas present. I was scared, scared to expect anything and then be disappointed. Roger shouts and asks me to come over and check out the presents. I make my way there and I did have 3 of them to my name. Roger undoubtedly had many more presents then me but I didn't mind. Quality of friends mattered over quantity anyway. From Roger I had gotten a poster of his favorite quidditch team and a beautiful looking quill. I suspected he had bought those posters in bulk and sent them to almost everyone.

Alice had gifted a book on training footwork, must be one from her father's collection and finally Lavender had gotten me a beautiful scarf black in color matching my hair color and having silver edges. Did she weave it herself? Or was it purchased maybe some type of charm? I didn't care I was happy. If not for all the occlumency training I would be crying tears of happiness right now. Wishing Roger merry Christmas wrapping the scarf around my neck we make our way to meet Alice and Lavender. We exchanged greetings and how much we liked the presents.

I had meet Tonks also later that day. To which she seemed awkward gave me a few chocolates and ran away after wishing me. Putting that behind my mind I was happy and felt like I belonged right here. I was finally living the moment and not preparing for the future. Between lots of snow fights running around the large lake spotting different magical creatures and playing different games one more year came to an end.

This one more fulfilling then the one's before this.