Alexander Dorn awakens as the gamer. Watch as the son of winter rises to godhood and has many advantures along the way!(will follow the plot. If you are hoping for a totally original story, look elsewhere)
I think this was writen by a child that doesn't know where they want to go with the story. There are weird contradictions like the MC reading fanfiction yet also being an adhd dyslexic 10 year old. There are other weird hard to explain things, you'd just have to read to see, but I don't recommend this at all
20 days ago
absolute cinema.............................
23 days ago
Not a book for me, I stopped reading by ch 13 so don’t take my review that seriously. For me, the main character so far in the chapters I’ve read feels like a side character following Percy like a good boy acting as a third wheel to Percy and annabeth. Also doing everything when it’s not his mission, like collecting food and shit while the other two fuck around. It just feels like the mc might be a cuck. Cool he’s friends with Percy that’s a son of one of the big three doesn’t mean he has to be a good bitch for Percy. That’s my two cents.😞
12 days ago
It feels like it should have taken twice or triple the chapters to undergo what has happened during the story. Honestly, it feels like someone made it after reading a bunch of fanfic and not the original book and didn't have enough content to write a fanfic off it, so they blitz it
13 days ago
An interesting story so far. Let's see where this goes...................................................................................................
a month ago
Semoga chapter 87,88,89,90,91,92 novel percy jackson the winter game bisa update hari ini dan semoga dinovel percy jackson the winter game ini alexander bisa menyelamatkan bianca d angelo dan zoe nigthinggale dan semoga dinovel ini bianca d angelo tidak bergabung dengan pemburu artemis
3 days ago
Kak semoga novel percy jackson the winter game ini bisa sampai 4 chapter sehari saya tahu permintaan ini berat tapi saya takut kalau kakak berhenti ditengah jalan makanya saya mengajukan permintaan ini dan semoga kakak googlelos mengabulkanya dan semoga kak googlelos juga mengabulkan ide saya agar alexander mendapatkan kekuatan thor lengkap dengan mjolnir dan storm breaker ditambah kekuatan gaia, zeus , poseidon dan hades
3 days ago
Semoga chapter 36 novel the winter game cepat update dan semoga alexander juga memperoleh kemampuan serta senjata dewa thor dan juga kemampuan dewi gaian dan poseido zeus dan hades
4 days ago
So far, it's been a great read, and I'm really interested to see where the story goes. However, there are a few aspects I don't particularly enjoy. For instance, I find the MC's interactions with OCs a bit lacking. I also hope that as he grows stronger, his involvement in the story increases and his actions significantly impact the canon plot. Additionally, I feel that he should take better advantage of his system store.
I think this was writen by a child that doesn't know where they want to go with the story. There are weird contradictions like the MC reading fanfiction yet also being an adhd dyslexic 10 year old. There are other weird hard to explain things, you'd just have to read to see, but I don't recommend this at all
absolute cinema.............................
Not a book for me, I stopped reading by ch 13 so don’t take my review that seriously. For me, the main character so far in the chapters I’ve read feels like a side character following Percy like a good boy acting as a third wheel to Percy and annabeth. Also doing everything when it’s not his mission, like collecting food and shit while the other two fuck around. It just feels like the mc might be a cuck. Cool he’s friends with Percy that’s a son of one of the big three doesn’t mean he has to be a good bitch for Percy. That’s my two cents.😞
It feels like it should have taken twice or triple the chapters to undergo what has happened during the story. Honestly, it feels like someone made it after reading a bunch of fanfic and not the original book and didn't have enough content to write a fanfic off it, so they blitz it
An interesting story so far. Let's see where this goes...................................................................................................
Semoga chapter 87,88,89,90,91,92 novel percy jackson the winter game bisa update hari ini dan semoga dinovel percy jackson the winter game ini alexander bisa menyelamatkan bianca d angelo dan zoe nigthinggale dan semoga dinovel ini bianca d angelo tidak bergabung dengan pemburu artemis
Kak semoga novel percy jackson the winter game ini bisa sampai 4 chapter sehari saya tahu permintaan ini berat tapi saya takut kalau kakak berhenti ditengah jalan makanya saya mengajukan permintaan ini dan semoga kakak googlelos mengabulkanya dan semoga kak googlelos juga mengabulkan ide saya agar alexander mendapatkan kekuatan thor lengkap dengan mjolnir dan storm breaker ditambah kekuatan gaia, zeus , poseidon dan hades
Semoga chapter 36 novel the winter game cepat update dan semoga alexander juga memperoleh kemampuan serta senjata dewa thor dan juga kemampuan dewi gaian dan poseido zeus dan hades
So far, it's been a great read, and I'm really interested to see where the story goes. However, there are a few aspects I don't particularly enjoy. For instance, I find the MC's interactions with OCs a bit lacking. I also hope that as he grows stronger, his involvement in the story increases and his actions significantly impact the canon plot. Additionally, I feel that he should take better advantage of his system store.