"And this is Wulfgang, son of Herakles", Alexander introduced. The buff boy smiled at the punk girl, "I want to test your strength. I am about as strong as Percy when I power up. I wanted to see what another big 3 kid was capable of"
"Sure big guy", she smiled, "how do you want to do this?"
"Arm wrestling?"
Thalia deadpanned, staring at the boy, "not what I was expecting but sure"
"What were you expecting? A fight to the death? Wulfgang is strong but not as skilled as you. Sure he is better than most but his expertise lies in his pure strength"
Wulfgang Bright
Race: demigod
Titles: son of the hero
Strength: B+
Constitution: B
Mind: C
Dexterity: C+
Math: C(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B(your mother tongue)
Swordsmanship: B+(hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: C+(ready, set, aim)
Power boost: A+(increases your strength and constition in a pinch to S+ rank for three minutes)
He had improved but Alexander could already see the winner of the contest. Thalia had a strength of SS- as a base, Wulfgang could only reach S+ strength and that was only for three minutes but he still watched them fascinated. They sat down at a table and braced their arms, clasping together, "ready? Set? Go!"
Wulfgang buffed up, his muscles swelling till he looked like a body builder. He put his whole weight behind his arm and Thalia looked surprised by his strength. It looked like he was going to win but then, Thalia took it seriously. Within seconds, the tide had turned. Wulfgang's arm was getting pushed further and further back. They struggled for a few minutes, Thalia not quite being strong enough to actually push him over, not whilst she was holding back. It was more fun, struggling for control than just obliterating him but after the third minute was over, Wulfgang shrunk back down and Thalia, not expecting this, slammed his hand into the table with enough force to crack it.
"Ow-!" Wulfgang cried out.
"Babe, are you okay?" Jimmy Black, a son of Demeter came running over, glaring at Thalia.
"I'm fine, thanks for worrying"
They had a quick peck on the lips, "at least go to the infirmary to get checked out"
Wulfgang nodded, walking away with his boyfriend.
"They are cute together", Thalia nodded, "I wish someone would worry for me like that"
Alexander nodded, before he realized what she meant, turning back to her, "are you okay?" It was awkward and unnatural, forced.
Thalia snickered, "you aren't as dense as I expected. Luke had been a lot more oblivious" her expression turned dark as she mentioned her once friend.
"You had a crush on Luke?", he was surprised but then, he thought more about it, they were at close ages when they were first travelling together, only two years apart but now he was college age (and also like super evil) and she was still twelve. He couldn't blame her, even as a straight man, he could admit that Luke was handsome. He had seen a photo of them when they were travelling from Annabeth, he had already been quite handsome back then.
Thalia blushed, "yeah… I- that's in the past though- let's train a bit more, I don't want to talk about him, not now"
"Sure, if you are ready to lose again"
"You wish", she grinned, her bracelet transforming into her Aegis. He felt the fear gripping his heart before Gamer's mind purged the effect. She also transformed one of her earrings into a sword. Thalia was decked out with weapons, there was Aegis, the sword, a spear, a bow and quiver and a few knives, all hidden as jewellery, bracelets, earrings, a choker and a lot more.
Alexander transformed his watch (made by Tyson) into his shield and Snowstorm transformed into its blade form.
Thalia and he were circling each other, looking for a weakspot. After a minute, Thalia got inpatient and shot a small lightning bolt at Alexander, forcing him to jump out of the way, which made an opening for the punk kid, lunging with her sword but Alexander blocked the slash with his shield, jumping back, "using powers, are we? Bad choice"
He concentrated and in the sky, multiple javelins of ice appeared, just waiting to be used.
He slashed at her, which she blocked with her sword, sparks went flying. The two clashed swords a few more times, with each swing, Thalia sent shocks through his arm, which he healed with his healing skill. Thalia jumped back to catch her breath.
"Haven't you forgotten something?" Alexander declared, shooting down one of the ice javelins, which she barely blocked with her replica Aegis, though the impact numbed her arm. Whilst she was busy with that, Alexander lunged for her, pinning her body with his legs, her swordsmen with his shield arm and placed Snowstorm's edge at her throat, "I win"
He had a cocky smile on his face.
"Whatever", she huffed before a mischievous glint appeared in her eyes, "how forward of you, pinning me down before our first date"
Embarrassment was drowned out by Gamer's mind, "well, maybe we should progress to that first date then… I know a nice cafe not to far from camp"
"Sounds like a plan, for now though, we have to get to the dining pavilion, it is almost time for lunch", Thalia said, getting up and transferring her weapon and shield back into the silver accessories. They walked out the arena, past the cabins, slowly strolling as the sun beat down on them. It was a nice summer day, without a cloud in sight. You could feel a gentle breeze rustling through the trees. Birds were chirping and up above, some of the Pegasi were flying.
"It is annoying", Thalia said.
"What is?"
"The birds, they are screaming about food like all the time", she explained.
"You can understand them?"
"Yeah, they are creatures of the sky. It is way worse during spring break, all they scream is 'fuck me, please fuck me'"
"Yeah, that would be annoying all the time, though I wouldn't mind if you screamed that for me", he smirked, watching her face grow red.
She punched him, giving him a shock, which took off 20 HP, "worth it"