"So… tell me, how were you able to visit me whilst I was stuck in the tree?", Thalia asked, curiously.
"I already told you, it is one of my abilities"
"Sure, the thing is though, that I have never heard of anything like it, neither did the Athena kids", she was suspicious.
"I'm honest with you, it's just a thing I can do, I don't know how or why", he was speaking the truth. He had no idea where the system came from or why he specifically had it.
Thalia nodded, not spotting any dishonesty in his voice, "come on, sit with me at my table"
"Huh? But that's the Zeus table, I'm in the Hermes cabin…" he glanced nervously to Mr D who was looking miserable. Switching tables wasn't exactly forbidden but it was frowned on.
"Well, that won't do… give me a few minutes", she ran up to Chiron. As she was away, Percy came looking for him, "hey Alex, here, Tyson made these for us"
He held out a watch made of celestial bronze. Percy was wearing a similar one, "thanks… I guess?"
"Just put it on and press this button", he said and so, he did. With a *shink* the watch expanded until it was a shield, celestial bronze with engravings on it, the storm he conjured up when Tyson first arrived at camp, the ship that he and Clarisse were on when they rescued them, Alexander with wings and finally a lot of snowflakes, "it is… beautiful! I'll have to thank Tyson, where is he?"
"With our dad"
"He already left? Bummer"
"Yeah, I was really starting to enjoy his company. The cabin seems so empty without him…", Percy looked sad but Alexander tried cheering him up, "hey, when is the next capure the flag?"
"Actually, we just had one yesterday, so in one week", Percy smiled, "Thalia is a beast on the battlefield, much like you! And I'm not getting worse either, soon, I'll be on the same level as you two"
"Sure but remember, we aren't slowing down, waiting for you to catch up either", a cocky smile danced around his lips. Percy was only a single rank below the both of them but Alexander knew he was close to a breakthrough, so very close. One good fight was all he needed to push beyond his limits.
Mr D stood up and the entire pavilion went silent, "Campers, I have an announcement to make. The Zeus cabin has a new camper", everyone was whispering, another child of Zeus?, "Tiko Grey here has decided to take on Andy Doom as an honorary Zeus cabin member. She says that since he is a sun of Boreas, he belongs in the cabin of the sky lord. I don't really get it but she was very insistent"
The Hermes cabin broke out with jealousy. There were many kids of minor gods there who didn't have a connection to one of the counselors like he did.
Percy looked at him, then at Thalia and an idea blossomed within him. He stood up and announced, "and the Poseidon cabin will welcome any children of sea gods or goddesses"
There was hushed whispers. This was unheard of. Hermes cabin took in all the minor god children, now the children of the big three were opening their halls to some of them. Hesitantly, two campers stood up from the Hermes table, one was Amelia Strong, daughter of Kymopoleia(goddess of violent seas) and the other was Max Rummy, son of Triton. They sat down at the Poseidon table and Alexander sat down at the Zeus table.
"Yes, yes, it is so great", Mr D rolled his eyes and sipped his Diet Coke.
"So, what is it like, being alive again?" He asked Thalia out of curiosity, as he grabbed some chicken wings.
"It is a lot more… peaceful. I didn't realize how much I missed sleep. I never got tired but after so many battles, my mind was fatigued. I slept a lot when I first came to. You'd think I was a Hypnos kid", she chuckled. Her laugh didn't fit her appearance. She was a punk girl with short hair and spikes everywhere and yet her laugh was that of a girl, high pitched and petite. Not that he would ever tell her that, he didn't want to take another hit like that. Despite gamer's body, he still felt pain. It was nowhere near as much as before he had gained the system and he also could calmly and rationally think through pain but it was still undesirable.
Thalia was shoving pancakes down her throat like there was no tomorrow.
"Really enjoying those, aren't you?", he chuckled. She wasn't even properly chewing them.
"I missed food too", she said in between bites, "after you brought me food, I missed it so much more"
"So, what do you think about camp?"
"It's great, I get to train, I get to hang out with Annabeth… y'know it is strange. When I first found Annabeth, she was a snivelling little girl, now she is older than me", Thalia put down her fork, looking over to Annabeth, who was laughing with her brothers and sisters. It was true, Thalia hadn't aged a day since she was forced into that tree form. She was tall for her age, yes but she was still only twelve. Hades damn it, he now was older than her. When he had first met her, they were both twelve but he had aged and she hadn't.
"Yeah, it must've been quite the shock", he nodded thoughtfully as he ate another chicken wing. His health now full again. Each of the wings healed 1 hp.
"I don't think I'll ever get used to Annabeth being all grown up and Luke, that traitor, he must be college age by now…", her face darkened thinking about the son of Hermes.
The conch shell rang, signaling the end of dinner. Thalia let him to their cabin. It was a large, marble box with white columns in the front. It was the biggest of the cabins. Entering it, there was nothing inside but a life sized statue of Zeus in the middle. In one corner of the big, blank room laid a sleeping back.
"That statue freaks me out… are it's eyes following me?"
He took a sleeping back out of his inventory and laid it near Thalia's, because it was in the corner that the Zeus statue wasn't facing. He didn't know how he could sleep with those eyes always watching him.