I get a ride from the god of the dead

As Alexander flew, he could feel the nature magic radiating in the south, which was where he saw Polyphemus in a torn, blue suit, gloating about how he 'finally sank nobody'. Then, he felt the magic of the fleece move. He searched the water for what he was looking for and found it, Percy, Tyson, Clarisse and Annabeth riding on hippocampi, fish horses, going faster and faster. They were going too fast. He couldn't catch up! So, he turned back to the island, to the celebrating cyclops. Might as well, he thought, rushing down to his eye level, Snowstorm pointed right at his throat. He pierced the Cyclops and blood started rushing out, "W- what?"

"A gift from nobody", Alexander said with a wicked grin as he ripped the sword, still stuck in his throat through the side. He exploded in a golden shower and Alexander sat on the sand. What to do now? His friends were riding away at incredible speed, he was stuck on some island in the sea of monsters and had no way of going back. He knew where north was, thanks to his dad but he couldn't just fly north, he wouldn't reach land, not in time at least. Clarisse was told she would fly home alone, maybe this was what the fates had envisioned for him, stuck on this island for all of eternity…

He was stuck on that island for three whole days, eating sheep meat and sleeping in a cave. The only indication that his friends were still alive was the completion of the quest. Both the major objective and the bonus objective were completed. He could now buy skill books but it made no difference, there was no one to give the skill books to and- without the fleece, the grass which the smaller, less flesh eating sheep ate was dwindling. Soon, they would have nothing to eat and once they died, he too would starve. He tried flying away a few times but the islands he found on his way were so hostile, he couldn't bring himself to go out there alone. He cursed himself for trying to fly away when the ship sank. Had he stayed with his friends, he would be at camp by now but no! He had to fly away the first chance he got…

Desperate, he build a bonfire and sacrificed food to every imaginable god, pleading for help. He wouldn't die. He didn't need to eat, sleep or even drink water but what kind of existence would that be, stuck on this miserable island? 

He had flown here by himself, he should be able to fly himself out there but he just couldn't bring himself to actually fly away. He was scared, he was alone.

He sacrificed to his father, "Please dad, if you could just send any wind spirit or the like to carry me back home"

He sacrificed to Hermes, "Please, I am lost, you are the god of travelers, grant me safe passage"

He sacrificed to Poseidon, "Please, this is your domain… I am a good friend to your Son, please just get me out of here"

He sacrificed to many different gods, all those that could- in one way or another help him. Finally, after a whole week of burning sheep guts every evening, one of them heard his plea and was gracious enough to answer him and it was one he never expected to answer. He had said his name more out of desperation than anything else. He hadn't expected him to actually respond or even care but there he was. His hair was ebony black, with somehow even darker eyes. His skin was white as bone and in his hands was a helmet, a very familiar helmet. The aura around him poisoned the grass where he stood. Plantlife wasn't supposed to be around him, that was the domain of his wife. The handsome, tall man spoke, with a voice like an earthquake, "Quite the situation you have gotten yourself into. I had half a mind to ignore you so that you would enter my halls. With all the food you were burning, it wouldn't be long before you ran out… but you helped get back my helm and I have had dreams, yes the fates like to hide the future in dreams, not only demigods' but ours as well. They showed me you would be important in saving someone very dear to me…"

"Lord Hades", he knelt, not daring to look into those eyes, as deep as tartarus and cold. He liked the cold but this was different than a winter's snow, it was a dreaded cold, like if he were staring into the gates of the underworld.

"Yes, yes, take my hand", he drawled out, reaching his boney hand towards him. He hesitated. What if this was a trap? "you don't want to leave this island?"

Fuck it, a trap was better than staying on this damned island forever. He took the hand and air rushed past his face so fast he feared his skin would fall off. They were in motion and suddenly, they weren't anymore. They were standing at the strawberry fields of camp half blood, "How?"

"Shadow travel", Hades smiled, his perfect white teeth glistening, "Now go, your friends must be worried sick"

Alexander ran, he ran like there was no tomorrow, past the border. On the pinetree -now healthy again- hung the golden fleece but the dungeon marker was gone. He was sad, this meant he would never get to see Thalia again but maybe it meant that she was finally at rest, no longer fighting.

Alexander ran to the dining pavilion, where the atmosphere was jovial. He just stood there, soaking in the voices of the others. He had nearly went insane, not having anyone to talk to but now, this was a bit overwhelming, so many voices all at once. What stood out to him however were the tables or rather, one table in particular. Because, sitting at the Zeus table was a familiar punk girl.

He observed her and true enough, it was her.

Thalia Grace

Race: Demigod

Titles: Daughter of the sky god; Child of prophecy


Strength: SS-

Constitution: S+

Mind: D

Dexterity: B+


Swordsmanship: S+(Hit 'em with the pointy end)

Archery: B-(ready, set aim!)

Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)

Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)

Math: D rank(plus, minus, divide, multiply)

English: B(your mother tongue)

Lightning control: S-(as daughter of zeus, you can control lightning)

Aeromancy: A+(As the daughter of the lord of the skies, air is yours to control)

Atmokinesis: A+(Create storms, lightning storms are easier to create)

Mr D looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Looks like Alec Doon has graced us with his presence"

He said it so quietly, yet everyone stopped speaking, they looked at Mr D and then followed his gaze, up to Alexander. They were shocked before they smiled brightly. He was rushed by everyone all at once.

"Where have you been?", "How did you get here?", "Where did you go after you flew above us?", "You scared us shitless", "We thought you were dead"

"I might've gotten a bit… lost", he scratched the back of his head. He recounted his story, how he found Circe's island in chaos, helped them and then found himself on Polyphemus' island just as they left. He told them how he sacrificed to every god he could think of before being rescued, though he didn't tell them it was hades, nor did he talk about Hades' talk about dreams.

He pushed through to Thalia, who was watching him with a relieved expression on her face, "I thought you had passed on when I didn't see the entrance to your fight"

"No, the fleece healed me", she said, before punching me in the arm, which hurt, a lot, like 15 points of damage level of hurt, despite her not putting her whole body behind it. SS- rank strength was no joke, "That is for scaring me. I thought you were dead"

"You… know each other?"

"Yeah, you could say that", they both shrugged.