He flew for a few hours, creating wind to carry him across the sea, when he found an island in utter chaos. Pirates and thugs were rampaging. And when he said Pirates, he meant old-timey pirates, one of which looked suspiciously like black beard. As he flew down, the pirates rounded the young girls there up and forced them onto the many ships which were docked at the island. He could see, deep in the island, a crippled woman, beautiful but emitting a powerful aura. Looking closer, above her head was her name Circe.
He flew down and asked, "What are you doing here, sorceress?"
"This- this is my island… that damned Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase freed my prisoners and now- they are on a rampage, beating me half to death… If only they hadn't eaten those vitamins…", Circe coughed up blood, golden ichor spilling out, "what will they do to my girls now?"
"I could help you-"
"I don't need the help of a man", she spat at his feet.
"Well, I was proposing to free your girls but, since you clearly don't want that- I'll just go", he said, turning around.
"Wait!", Circe called out, he turned back to look at her, helpless on the floor, "Fine, say what you want, anything to save my girls…"
"I want to drink your ichor", he said plainly.
"My ichor? Why are you asking me? There is plenty of it around, you could just take it and leave. Why help me?"
"Because, despite your world view, boys can have a moral compass and mine isn't allowing me to sit back whilst those girls are kidnapped, probably to be raped later", he cringed at the thought. Pirates were vile creatures after all.
"Fine, drink it, as long as you help them", she offered a wound on her arm, which was oozing viscous ichor. He happily drank from the wound.
[You have tasted the divine. Circe is known for her quick mind and excellent control of the mist. By drinking her ichor, these abilities have been enhanced]
A wicked smile spread across his lips. Ichor tasted as it was, divine. Ares' Ichor had been spicy and umami, whilst circe's was sweet and sour, like a sour patch kid. The taste was addictive. It didn't compare to nectar or ambrosia but was still far better than any mortal food. Reluctantly, he stepped away and said, "Anemo"
Wings sprouted from his back and he flew high above the island. Looking down, he saw the pirates partying on their ships whilst the girls cowered. He flew above them and shouted down -using his aeromancy to enhance his sound waves-, "Pirates, release the girls!"
"Screw you!", Black beard shouted back, "We have been stuck in that fucking spa for decades, we ain't leaving these girls behind, they are just as bad as Circe, now fuck off!"
Alexander shook his head, at least he tried the diplomatic route, "Very well! Prepare to die then!"
He raised his hands in the air and the temperature dropped. Where once it had been tropical, now, it was getting lower and lower, till it was below freezing 28 degrees Fahrenheit to be exact, he somehow knew that. As the temperature dropped, clouds formed above them, hiding away the nice sunlight. Wind blew around him in a sphere. The pirates tried shooting arrows at him but they were just caught up in the air currents. With a grunt, he created a storm, a big one. Hail as big as fists fell down, punching holes in the ships' sails and bombarding the pirates. They were in panic. Without their sails, they couldn't sail away and even if they could, Alexander was the one controlling the wind. Lightning flashed and thunder crackled, one bolt struck the first pirate, then another pirate was thrown in the sea by the winds. In a matter of minutes, the pirates were dead or unconscious and he could feel the strain on him. Creating that big of a storm took a lot of energy. After he brought all of the girls to the island spa, he took an ambrosia square out of his inventory and ate it. It restored his stamina and he flew away. Behind him, the sorceresses were waving at him thankfully.
Alexander Dorn
Race: Demigod
HP: 100/100
Titles: The gamer; Son of Winter
Attributes(mortal average is D, Demigod average is C):
Strength: A-
Constitution: B
Mind: C+
Dexterity: C
Gamer's body: SSSR(Allows the user to live their life as if it was a videogame, not requiring sleep, food or water. Sleeping in a bed restores all HP and cures status conditions)
Gamer's mind: SSSR(Allows the user to clearly and calmly think even in the most stressful of times, grants immunity to mind status effects)
Swordsmanship: S(Hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: B-(ready, set aim!)
Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)
Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)
Math: c-(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B+(your mother tongue)
Aeromancy: B+(As the son of the north wind, air is yours to control)
Cryomancy: A-(As the son of winter, ice and the cold is yours to control)
Atmokinesis: A-(Create storms, hail and snow are easier to create)
Calmness manipulation: C+(as the son of the god of calmness, you can induce a state of pure calmness in yourself and others)
French: B+(the language of love)
Observe: C(gain insights to who or whatever you look at)
Summon skeleton: C+(by offering some food and drink you can summon a skeletal warrior, loyal to you)
Craft: C-(Creating something from raw ingredients)
Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)
Mist manipulation: C(bend the truth)
Healing: B(channel the energy of life itself)
Dancing weapon: C(magically lets a weapon fight on its own)
Power boost: B(raises strength and constitution in a pinch to S+ rank for one minute)
Mist control: B+(weave the mist to work in your favor)