I kill a german dragon

Alexander wandered through camp, his mind resting on the thought of Luke. He was still out there, waiting for his moment to strike. He had to get stronger… if only he could find more dungeons…

Immediately as he thought that, a ding went off in his head.

[New skill: Create dungeon has been added]

His gaze flickered to his stats.

Create dungeon: C(create a dungeon every week. Danger levels and rewards will be randomly chosen)

A grin broke out. One dungeon a week might sound not a lot but he had a month before the summer break was over, that was four dungeons till then and till next summer break even more. He would abuse the hell out of this skill. He walked into an isolated location and channeled his energy into that skill. A nearby tree received the mark of a dungeon.

[Dungeon: Dragon's denn

Difficulty: Medium

Do you wish to enter?


He pressed yes and was immediately transported into a cave. The walls were illuminated by glowing green mushrooms and further into the cave, he could see little, reptile like creatures called kobolds. They were about the size of a ten year old child, with dark red scales, clawed hands and big, bug esque eyes. They shifted nervously, keeping a look out, though they hadn't spotted him.

[Quest: Dragon slayer

Kill the kobolds and the dragon that rules over them

Reward: one random attribute rank up; one random skill rank up; skill: Dragon breath]

A dragon? Like the one who guarded the fleece? If so, this would be easy, though he had the sinking suspicion that it wouldn't be that easy. Luke was the best swordfighter in camp and even he was beaten by a dragon, seeing as this was a medium difficulty dungeon, it probably wasn't as strong as Luke's dragon but not as weak as the still young one guarding the fleece. He raised his hands in front of him, creating two javelins of ice which impaled the kobolds he could see. Walking close to the corpses, he found they carried crudely made daggers and spears, which he sold in the system store. The cave split into two paths from there, to the left and to the right. Where to go?

"Eeny, meeny, Miny, moe. Right it is", he walked towards the right path, his attention on the walls, they were dug out by hand, tiny hands with claws, like the small kobolds. The glowing mushrooms hadn't always been there, they had been planted there by the kobolds to bathe the corridors in dim light, not as bright as sunlight but he guessed with their big eyes they didn't need as much light to see, giving them an advantage over those like himself who had weaker vision. It strained the eyes. As he was looking at the mushrooms planted in the walls, he heard a faint hissing noise thanks to his ADHD and sprung backwards, just in time to escape the explosion shaking the walls where he stood moments ago. Looking closer at the ground, he saw pressure plates laid on the ground every couple of feet, irregularly spaced out, some were in the middle of the corridor, others at the sides -like the one he had just stepped on- and others in between. Kobolds were rushing in from both sides, they walked straight over the pressure plates without triggering them, "Clever fuckers, they are so small that they don't weigh enough to trigger their own traps"

They looked at him hesitantly. They had expected to loot his corpse, blown to smithereens but now they were faced with an armed opponent. A courageous kobold was the first to charge at him. A quick slash to the neck ended him but it gave the others the courage to charge in too. He cut them down but they still kept coming. Slowly, wounds accumulated on his body and his health was driven down to fifty out of a hundred. By the end, he stood on top of a mountain of reptilian corpses, he sold all their weapons and popped in an ambrosia square. He had killed close to a hundred of them. That had to be pretty much all of them. That left maybe only a few of them and the dragon. He explored the cave system some more and found only a few survivors, the elderly and children. He would've felt bad but they were monsters created by the system, so no need to cry over their deaths. Soon, he found the boss chamber, a huge room, littered with human bones, wearing armor and carrying weapons, both mortal and divine and sitting atop a mountain of them was a big, red dragon, with eyes like giant rubies and dried blood around its mouth, "Eine weitere Opfergabe für den mächtigen Urmus? Hoffentlich bist du stärker als die anderen. Es ist so lange her dass ich einen guten Kampf hatte", it spoke in a deep and rumbling voice, in a language he didn't understand.

It opened its maw and he saw the fire coming, so he created a shield of ice.

"Oh? Ein Eis Magier? Wie interessant… aber du wirst herausfinden dass meine Flammen jegliches Eis schmelzt, egal wie magisch es auch ist"

Alexander couldn't get close, it kept breathing fire at him every time he tried to get close, so, he used his skill Dancing weapon to send his sword, snowstorm near it whilst he pulled a bow and arrows from his inventory and shot an arrow right in its open maw.

"Verdammter Menschling!", it roared in pain as the arrow hit true and, not even a second later, snowstorm cut into its eye. It swiped at the weapon with its claws but it embedded itself in the dragon's hand. It shrieked violently and he took his chance coating his arrow in ice and firing it at the dragon's remaining eye, piercing it and killing the dragon.

"Verfluchter Menschling… Mögen deine Kinder in ihrer Krippe sterben!", were the dragon's last words.

[Quest completed]


Alexander Dorn

Race: Demigod

HP: 62/100

Titles: The gamer; Son of Winter

Attributes(mortal average is D, Demigod average is C):

Strength: S

Constitution: B+

Mind: B-

Dexterity: B-


Gamer's body: SSSR(Allows the user to live their life as if it was a videogame, not requiring sleep, food or water. Sleeping in a bed restores all HP and cures status conditions)

Gamer's mind: SSSR(Allows the user to clearly and calmly think even in the most stressful of times, grants immunity to mind status effects)

Swordsmanship: SS(Hit 'em with the pointy end)

Archery: B(ready, set aim!)

Greek mind: C(Allows the user to read ancient greek, but making all other languages look like gibberish, effectively causing Dyslexia)

Battle instincts: C(Your mind is always in battle mode, effectively causing ADHD)

Math: c-(plus, minus, divide, multiply)

English: B+(your mother tongue)

Aeromancy: B+(As the son of the north wind, air is yours to control)

Cryomancy: A-(As the son of winter, ice and the cold is yours to control)

Atmokinesis: A-(Create storms, hail and snow are easier to create)

Calmness manipulation: C+(as the son of the god of calmness, you can induce a state of pure calmness in yourself and others)

French: B+(the language of love)

Observe: C(gain insights to who or whatever you look at)

Summon skeleton: C+(by offering some food and drink you can summon a skeletal warrior, loyal to you)

Craft: C-(Creating something from raw ingredients)

Water breathing: C(Grants you the ability to breathe water and survive water pressure)

Mist manipulation: C(bend the truth)

Healing: B(channel the energy of life itself)

Dancing weapon: C(magically lets a weapon fight on its own)

Power boost: B(raises strength and constitution in a pinch to S+ rank for one minute)

Mist control: B+(weave the mist to work in your favor)

Create dungeon: C(create a dungeon every week. Danger levels and rewards will be randomly chosen)

Dragon breath: C(Shoot fire from your mouth)