As Alexander was finishing his food and packing the supplies they had given him in his inventory, the tv turned on. There was a news crew standing in front of the arch, which had been partially blown up at the top, billowing smoke, "-channel twelve has learned that the boy who may have caused this explosion fits the description of a young man wanted by authorities for a serious New Jersey bus accident three days ago. We haven't been able to confirm if the other two teens seen with the boy are travelling with him or if they just so happened to be at the scene. The boy is believed to be travelling west. For our viewers at home, here is a photo of Percy Jackson"
They showed a blurry picture of Percy, with Annabeth and Alexander facing the other way, whilst Percy faced towards the camera.
"Fuck me", Alexander groaned, "I leave them alone for an hour and they manage to become fugitives, on the run. Hey, Uron, can you get me a rainbow to make an iris message?"
"Yes, young prince", the hulking brute took out a remote, looking ridiculously small in his oversized hands. He pressed a button on it and a prism slowly rose out of the table, creating a rainbow, "oh iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Percy Jackson, saint Louis"
The image flickered into view, creating a window to Percy, who was hiding in some alley, "I think we have lost them, Wise girl"
Annabeth was not in frame but he could hear her voice, " just barely, seaweed brain"
"Hey guys, I leave you alone for one hour and you get yourself into trouble with the law?" Alexander looked sternly at Percy. Now Annabeth also walked into frame, her hair was a mess and she was out of breath. Percy, with his superior stats looked just fine, "hey Snow breath", she snapped, "maybe if you didn't run off to gods know where, you could've helped Percy, that way he didn't have to use his powers to move a tunnel of water under the arch, you could've flown up there"
"Yeah, because that's so much better", he rolled his eyes, "I got us food and clothes, since you guys lost your bags"
"We have to get to Santa Monica, my dad called", Percy said, "meet us at the Amtrak station. You still have enough money to get us a bus to Santa Monica, right?"
"Yeah, I should have enough", Alexander said, "meet you at the station"
He nodded at Uron, who pressed another button and let the prism slide back into the table.
He didn't have long to the Amtrak station, so, he had to wait for his two fellow questers. Distracted, he played with the shop, pulling the crudely made weapons from the goblins in there, selling them for a collective 300 dollars and ten drachma. He was surprised he got that much for the shoddy craftsmanship but he supposed it was still celestial bronze, a rare metal, a mythical metal. If he was completely honest, he might've been scammed by the system. If the blades were better made, he might've gotten a few thousand instead of hundreds. The only weapon he had left now was his self forged blade, still nowhere near as good as a proper blade but better than the goblin weaponry.
"What are you doing, tapping the air like that?" A voice came from behind him. Out of instinct, he drew his sword at the voice, the blade swung right through the owner of the voice without hurting them, a mortal, "woah, what's with the baseball bat? You here with your school team or something?"
"No, it's- more like a road trip, you could say. We were expelled from our school and have a few months before we can get into a new school, so our parents took us on a road trip, to relax y'know? We have been split up when we were rushing for the bus. Our parents are already on their way to Santa Monica, we'll take the next bus. That's me and my two friends who are… on the toilet right now", Alexander pulled a story out of his arse. He didn't like lying, so he sprinkled some truths in there, they were to be expelled if they hadn't rushed to camp, Percy and he, that is and they were sort of like on a road trip- in a certain light.
"Why the baseball bat though?"
"What baseball bat?", he put it behind his back and into his inventory.
"The one behind your back- blimey, where has it gone to?" The mortal circled him, looking for the 'baseball bat', not finding it.
Alexander took this opportunity to look at who was standing in front of him. He was college age, maybe 19 or 20, about the same age as Luke. He had shaggy black and electric blue eyes. The man wore a leather jacket with patches and spiked bracelets . He kind of reminded him of Thalia, a male, adult version of Thalia.
"How did you make it disappear like that? You a magician or something?"
"Something like that. I like observing magic tricks"
Brian Loo
Race: Human
Titles: Punk
Strength: D
Constitution: D
Mind: C
Dexterity: D+
Math: C(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B(your mother tongue)
Spanish: B
Guitar playing: A
Nothing remarkable, he truly was just a guy. Well, not everyone he met could be a demigod or monster in disguise, some were simply citizens.
"Alexander, that's where you are!" Percy called out, running at him, followed by Annabeth.
"Sorry guy but I have to go now", Alex told Brian, who nodded, walking away to a train, "I have to catch this train anyways. Bye, baseball bat kid"
"'Baseball bat kid'?" Annabeth looked at him strangely.
"Doesn't matter, look, that bus over there will take us straight to Santa Monica", he guided them to a bus that had just pulled in.