Not even a day after Percy and Annabeth left for their families, when he was ready to visit Thalia again, he noticed something wrong, very wrong. The Dungeon leading to Thalia's tree was locked. There was a huge lock symbol on it. When he tried to enter the system gave him the message:
[dungeon vessel has been corrupted. User may not enter until the corruption has been purged]
Corrupted? What did that mean? He had to tell Chiron…
He walked away from the tree, worrying about what was happening to Thalia, she had become his friend over the time since he started visiting her. He walked straight to the big house, only to find Mr D there, alone, nursing his Diet Coke, "what do you want Alec?"
"I'm looking for Chiron but you will do just as-"
"Haybreath is teaching archery in the arena, now go! I have important work to do", he said, clearly not doing anything at all, even less something important. He couldn't believe this guy. That's the god for you, he guessed. He rushed to the arena, where Chiron was helping a young camper (nine years old) to properly align her shot.
Chiron was startled, yanking on the kids arm, causing her to let the arrow fly, right into the ground five feet in front of her, "Alexander, what has you so worried? Is someone gravely injured?"
"In a way… maybe? You see Thalia's tree, there is something wrong with it", he explained. Chiron noticed the panic in his voice and immediately walked with him to the tree, "you see, one of my demigod gifts is to know things about others just by looking at them. And this power told me that Thalia's tree is corrupted in some way"
"A gift like that… it is rare, most commonly -and I use that word very loosely here, for it is not common at all- found in children of Athena. For a child of the north wind to possess it… your mother must've been a distant descendant of Athena.", he walked over to the tree and gasped " You say 'corrupted', do you mean poisoned?"
"Could be? I mean it isn't always that clear…" he couldn't exactly say how he actually found it out. As much as he hated lies, something told him that exposing his system wouldn't be good, not good at all.
"From what I can tell, Thalia's tree has been poisoned, I'm not sure what poison it is, so I'll have to do a bit of trial and error here but with my medical skills, I should be able to fix it", it wasn't a boast, it was a simple statement of facts. Chiron was a masterful medic, even outshining some Apollo kids.
As he walked off to tell Mr D about this new development, Alexander was left behind, touching the bark of the tree, "I don't know if you can hear me, Thalia but things are gonna be okay, you couldn't be in better hands", he channeled some of his calmness aura into the tree. It didn't visibly change anything but he had the feeling that she appreciated his concern. He was distracted from his concerns when Conner and Travis Stoll, the two head counselors of the Hermes cabin after Luke left gathered up the Hermes cabin for swordsmanship training.
"Now that Luke is… gone-"
"-We have decided to do a little tournament-"
"-against demigod-"
"-to see who the next top player is-"
"-no powers, just swordsmanship and your bodily might"
The twins finished each other's sentences, it was bizarre to witness. Could they actually read each other's minds? If so, it would be a huge advantage in a fight.
The first few who fought were the newest campers, both having only arrived at camp weeks after the summer solstice, two days from each other. One was Wulfgang Bright and the other Sigmund Johnson. Wulfgang was a scrawny kid, with thick glasses who couldn't even yet hold a sword right and Sigmund was an Average looking kid, with shaggy blonde hair and that signature sly smile of the Hermes cabin. Sigmund was claimed by Hermes, whilst Wulfgang was unclaimed as of yet. The winner should've been obvious. None of them thought that Sigmund could loose, that was until Wulfgang was in a corner, his hands shaking, when he suddenly opened his eyes wide, letting out a roar. His muscles grew until his clothes ripped apart, he gripped the celestial bronze sword of Sigmund and bent it into a pretzel shape with ease, above his head was the symbol of a great, wooden club. Travis, still shocked, declared Wulfgang Bright the winner, son of Herakles. A few of the Aphrodite cabin girls who were watching were fighting over who got to ask Wulfgang on a date first. Those packs were irresistible to them and he was hung too, though he tried to shield his manhood. When one of them finally won and approached him, she came to a rude awakening. Wulfgang was gay. As that news traveled, it didn't take ten minutes before a son of Demeter got to talking to him under the guise of bringing him some clothes. Curious, he observed Wulfgang.
Wulfgang Bright
Race: demigod
Titles: son of the hero
Strength: B
Constitution: B
Mind: C
Dexterity: C+
Math: C(plus, minus, divide, multiply)
English: B(your mother tongue)
Swordsmanship: F(hit 'em with the pointy end)
Archery: F(ready, set, aim)
Power boost: B(increases your strength and constition in a pinch to S+ rank for one minute)
What a monster! S+ rank strength and Constitution for one minute? That brought him to the level of a big three kid!
Next up was Alexander against Travis. It was over relatively quickly. Travis was good, yes but nowhere near as good as Alexander and he was stronger than the counselor too.
The next few matches, he paid not much attention to. His thoughts were entirely on his next opponent, Wulfgang. He couldn't beat him in a contest of strength, so he had to outlast him. 1 minute was long in a fight but nothing that his superior skill couldn't make up for, or so he hoped.
His hope however, was proven wrong. He dodged at first, trying to wear him down but eventually, he landed a hit and one hit was all he needed. He didn't even use his sword, pummeling Alexander in the chest with a terrifying *crunch*, loosing him 45 hp and throwing him out of the circle. Even as the gamer, that fucking hurt