Sky log #12: Charon - Uber You to Eden

Warning: Contains spoilers about Eden

I had been tinkering with the idea of taking another job. Probably a part-time one. Although the current job in Vault gives me candles, I still needed hearts to complete my constellations. So, maybe… a job that guides kids to realms. Like Eden.


The ferryman of Hades who ferries souls to the Underworld. In Sky terms, it would be a guide who helps others get through Eden in exchange for hearts. I have seen advertisements of kids offering uber services for children who are busy.

Yet, I rarely see advertisements about Ubers to Eden.

I believe it would be quite a profitable business to uber kids to Eden, especially moths. Given that Eden is an entirely different place as compared to the other realms, many inexperience players will definitely not be prepared for the road ahead.

Eden krills are slightly trickier than the Wasteland ones.

Take careful note that the home trick does not fully work against them. Unlike Wasteland, if you get krilled in Eden with the home trick in place, you lose your light and possibly some stars. Fortunately, once you are used to such foul beasts, the krills become nothing to you. Just know the general path of where they go. There are specific moments when they are gone. Once you got the timing right, you will be able to one place to another without any hiccups.

It is the red gems that children will have to be careful of.

They are troublesome for solo players because they constantly sap away the energy from the wings. Large gems will directly eat a star. So, never underestimate these things and stand close to them.

Do not believe that Eden is safe.

It is NEVER safe.

Therefore, having an Eden uber would be a great idea.

Unfortunately, as I considered more of this business venture, I realized that it gives more trouble than it is worth.

Firstly, the time zone difference between you and your clients. If you were to set up your business, you would have to be clear on what time and day you can uber them.

Secondly, the price range. Given that it is possible for some clients to become your one-time clients, you have to factor in how much they are willing to pay in hearts (don't forget that the friendship tree needs to be unlocked). I would consider that the road all the way to the point of no return is troublesome for new players and that they would not know some of the shortcuts that veterans know. So, it would be good to price that as 1 heart. However, if your clients want you to uber them the whole of Eden… you would need to factor in after point of no return, rebirth and the warp in friendship tree. I think it is highly unlikely for clients to ask for you to bring them to rebirth since they have to unlock the friendship tree up to warp, requiring quite a number of candles(10) and eden candles(3) to get it.

Plus, even the Uber has to undergo the rebirth. Imagine having to rebirth a few times a day. I think at that point, I would just surrender and lay on ground because that is too taxing.

My idea of a price list would go like this:

Charon Services - Eden Uber:

(Individual client)

1. ONLY to Point of No Return (without shortcuts) = 2 hearts

2. ONLY to Point of No Return (with shortcuts) = 3 hearts

3. Whole of Eden (without warp) = 5 hearts

4. Whole of Eden (with warp) = 4 hearts

(Group client – Max of 5, including guide)

1. With friends

2. With strangers

3. Up to the Guide's choice


If the guide causes the client to lose stars to the krill, gems or debris, the payment will be refunded. This mean that the guide will return the agreed number of hearts back to client.

Well, this is what I thought of.

This is only a rough draft since I have not seriously considered the price range. I believe that to fully implement this, it would require a bit of discussion between the uber and the client since Eden… is not for the faint hearted. Maybe there will be a discount for first timer clients since the price is a bit… expensive. I could also throw in a consent form as a joke because *spoilers*Eden *coughs* kills *cough*.

Sadly, factoring in my life, I realized I couldn't start up this business unless I do Eden uber services on specific days like only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays. Doing Eden on weekends is a bit suicidal because many kids will be thinking of going there. So, weekdays are safer.

Or… I can just earn my hearts in the regular way. Trading with friends and watching out for double hearts events.

But, I think taking up uber services is kind of fun. I wouldn't mind trying out an Eden one too. Well, if I happen to see one that is.