Short Story 2: The Fox and the Sakura Tree

There was once a small little fox.

It has no home, no friends and no family.

Luckily, it found its home under a towering Sakura tree.




The tree was its home and playground.

When it needs shade, the fox hide among the evergreen leaves.

When it needs sleep, the fox cuddles among the sturdy branches.

When it needs food, it chases after the mice living near it.




Under the tree's protection and care, the fox

Grew tall and strong.




In return, the fox cares for the tree by trimming its branches

And watering it on sunny days.

Despite how the tree never bloomed,

The fox still dutifully care for it

While holding onto the hope that one day it will.




Under the watchful eyes of the little fox,

The tree finally bloomed.




"Thank you, little one. Would you like a cup of tea while admiring my blossoms?"