Sky Log #22: A Moth's Guide Part 2

Previously, I have covered our purpose as a child of light, the realms in Sky, making friends and finally seasons and events. In this part, I will cover the currencies we used in Sky, the dark and light creatures, the easter eggs you will find around Sky, and the common terminology used in Sky.


Just like the real world, we have currencies in Sky.

Our currencies are in the form of candles and hearts. Normal candles and hearts are white in colour. You can earn candles by collecting wax from candles and dark plants throughout the realms in Sky. Dark plants have to burn by your own personal candle that is always with you in order to collect wax. A fixed amount of wax will be converted into one candle. Apart from normal ones, you will also get Eden candles and during seasons, you will get Season candles and hearts.

There is a system in place that allows you to collect wax at a faster rate in a shorter time. This is a recent addition because thatgamecompany(TGC) wants kids to have fun with friends. The system can be seen via the 3 arrows on your candle "pouch" located at the top right of your screen. Every arrow allows you to collect a total of 5 candles. So, you will get a total of 15 candles with the help of the system. Of course, if you want to collect more, you are free to collect but you will get about 20 candles in total from the realms, excluding Eden.

Unless there is a season, you will find a mission spirit standing in front of a different realm every day that offers you 4 different missions. These missions may comprise of reliving the spirit's memories, meditating, burning dark plants or flipping crabs. I will explain more on crabs under "Dark and Light Creatures". With every completion of a mission, you will get a whole candle. There will also be a realm that offers 4 candles cakes/stacks. Usually, the realm with missions and the one with candle cakes are side by side.

There are a few ways to get hearts. One is through trading among friends, one heart is traded every day with a person by spending 3 candles. Another is buying a heart from the spirits. You will only get one heart from a spirit and will not get any more after that.

(Please note that any information about Eden may include spoilers. The next part is about Eden candles.)

Eden has no plants or red candles to offer. However, once you saved/ascended the fallen children/statues in the realm, you will get Eden candles. The Eden candles are characterized as red candles with a 4-point star in the middle. Every 4 ascended children will give you a whole Eden candle. There is a total of 63 statues that you can save in Eden.

Please note that you will use one winged light to save a child and you CANNOT scrimp on your wing lights. You must use up your winged lights in order to move on.

Eden candles allow you to unlock special branches in constellations with a spirit and in your friendship tree with friends. Unlocking a special branch in the constellations with a realm spirit or a travelling one will provide one additional wing buff. Eden candles also allow you to buy special props from the Sleepy Traveling Merchant's boat or at the Forgotten Ark. These props include rainbow spells, swings, see-saws and permanent growth potions.

(End of the information about Eden candles)

The next set of candles and hearts are season types.

Every season will bring its own set of logos so even the season candles have the logo too. You can get a total of 5 season candles every day when the season starts. These are obtained by completing a total of 4 missions given by the quest giver and getting wax from 4 season candle spots in the realm where you complete your missions. Completion of a mission gives one season candle and obtaining the wax from the 4 spots will give you a full candle.

But with in-app-purchase(IAP) of the adventure pass, you can get an additional season candle on top of that every day and ten additional season candles with the purchase. Unfortunately, you have to use real-life money to purchase the adventure pass. If you ever decide to purchase a pass, I suggest getting the friend pack because it is cheaper. Even if you don't have money to purchase, you can join giveaways held by generous kids before a season. However, since most giveaways are lottery-based and a fair few are based on artworks or pictures, it would depend on your luck.

Many of these giveaways are held on InSkygram or Discorn. TGC have their official InSkygram and also held giveaways in Discorn so it is worth it to join and see how the community there is like.

Another word of advice is that without a pass, you do not have access to at least half of the stuff offered by the season, including ultimate gifts that only come with the season. But the cosmetics that you can get are still decent. Other than the ultimate gifts, you can still get the cosmetics locked by the pass when the season spirit comes back as a travelling spirit. The season spirits will come back as travelling spirits after resting a season after theirs.

The season heart is included within the Season pass and is only obtained after you completed a season spirit's constellation. The season hearts will then be used to unlock a node under the ultimate gifts. Any season hearts that are not used will also get converted to normal hearts after the end of a season. But if you unlock all the ultimate gifts, you will not get any extra season hearts since the number of season hearts is just enough to get the ultimate gifts.


Apart from Sky children in Sky, we have creatures living with us throughout the realms. They are separated as light and dark creatures.

Light creatures are those who vibe with you.

They are friendly and helpful beings who occasionally recharge your light if you are near them. If you see butterflies, birds, mantas and jellyfish, these are some of the common light creatures you will find in the realms. Of course, sometimes they may be too helpful and send you to places where you don't want to go. *Coughs* Courier mantas at prairie *Coughs*. You can even interact with them by deep honking. They will respond with a call of their own.

There are light plants that help to recharge your light. You can find them as glowing mushrooms that bloomed out from tree trunks. Standing on one for a while will recharge your light. Of course, if there is a glitch, you are bound to get launched into the clouds by them.

Unfortunately, if a realm is too infested with darkness, you will not be able to see them. Instead, you will find dark creatures.

They include the 4-legged crabs and the many-legged krills. Beware of them for they are no friend of yours. Crabs are adorable angry little head-butters, but too many head-butts at you can cause you to lose a winged light if you are not careful. To deal with them, do a deep honk. This will flip them over, rendering them unable to hit you.

Krills, however, are a more dangerous threat. Should you ever meet them head-on, hide behind a steady and firm structure or risk losing more than one winged-light. Currently, there is no known Sky way to deal with them, apart from the famous home trick that involves pressing your home button on the phone. However, from the spoilers about the upcoming "Days of Mischief", it seemed that we will be able to protect ourselves from them.

There are other dark stuff that are not dark creatures.

You will find dark plants that offer you wax when you burn them. They will regrow again after a day.

Another dark stuff will be the polluted waters of Wasteland and the polluted geyser. Instead of replenishing your light, they will drain your light and slow down your movements when you are inside, like mud. A similar type of water that works similarly would be the rain in Hidden Forest. Prolonged exposure to any of these materials will drain off all your lights and gradually take away your winged lights.

Any winged lights that fell into those waters cannot be retrieved again. But they will recover as random lost shiny bois scattered around the realm. There are no specific shiny bois to know which one you have lost despite the suggested methods and theories offered by other kids. However, if you know of a sure-proof way, you can add to this entry to help future children.


Next will be the easter eggs scattered around the world of Sky.

In this guide, I am NOT talking about those that have to be accessed by the out-of-bound(OOB) ways. They are those that occur naturally around Sky. They can either appear at specific times or permanently. There is at most one easter egg that appears at specific times in every realm. I will go through the easter eggs by realms.

In Isle of Dawn, as it is a place for newborns, I don't think there are many special noteworthy things such as easter eggs. Except for one. The Prophecy Cave, a recent addition from the Season of Prophecy, has an easter egg. Using the air streams, you fly up to an opening in the ceiling of the cave. There will be a floating rock with a couple of red candles arranged in a smiley face. The smiley face candles is an easter egg. XD

In Daylight Prairie, we have quite a few of them. Hmmm… where to start?

Let's start with the faerie ring at the 3 small temples. The temple with the doorway to the 8-player puzzle has an easter egg nearby. It's a group of small mushrooms surrounding a circle called a faerie ring. It will appear in the last ten minutes of an hour.

The second easter egg in Prairie is located at the place accessed by the 8-person elevator. It's where you find 8 red candles in a circle in front of a tomb. For this to work, you will need to gather 7 other friends and do the butterfly pose. There will be a rock in the middle of the encirclement of the red candles that slowly light up. Just wait patiently for the rock to fully light up because it will summon a special guest.

While I cannot elaborate much on the adorable appearance of the special guest, I can bet on my Crab Whisperer sunhat that it will not disappoint you.

The last easter egg in Prairie will be located in the Prairie temple itself. It is just as sneaky as the easter egg in Isle. Right before the slope to the Elder's tomb, you can go either left or right until you see a small narrow path between the pots that lead to an underground place behind the tomb. I normally go left because it is easier for me. If the place is too dark for you, you can bring around a light source and slowly walk around the area. The easter egg is another set of smiley face candles. I believed that this is the first set of smiley face candles.

Next area is the Hidden Forest.

Do you know that at a specific time, a rainbow appears at Forest Brook? I'm not talking about the rainbows that appear during the Days of Rainbow. This is an easter egg and it's my most favourite one out of all. It appears at 5 am or 5 pm Pacific Time and stays for 30 minutes. It's right above the gate to Sunny Forest and above the shelter with a message shrine.

I used to stay there to admire its beauty while enjoying the calming sounds the rain brings during solo candle runs. Nowadays, I'm simply too busy to get the candles and decipher the lanterns in Vault. Writing about the rainbow now makes me want to visit it again. Ahahaha… Maybe someday.

Next, we have the literal manifestation of the easter egg. Right before you enter the Forest temple, fly to a giant tree stump that is close to the last tower of the broken bridge. You will find some humongous blue eggs that are decorated. Literal easter eggs.

Many of us are also just as curious as you about whose eggs these belong to.

Some theorized that the eggs are where the spirits are born from when they are alive. Others believed it to be the spawn of Dark Dragons or commonly known as krills. A Sky kid, named duck_soup_pastry, did a heartwarming fanart about it. You can check their fanarts in InSkygram or Skoogle. Well regardless of the many theories surrounding the eggs, we might never know what these eggs contain unless they hatch out. I'm not sure whether that will ever happen but one may never know.

Hmmm… as for easter eggs in Valley of Triumph and Golden Wasteland, to my current knowledge, I believe there aren't any. Of course, this can be changed as we experience more seasons in the future or in your time.

So, let us move on to Vault of Knowledge. This one is quite sneaky and smart. Upon entering Vault, go left and touch the walls. If you find it too dark, light a candle or bring an item that provides good lighting. You will find a wall that is not like the rest. So, move through the wall and you will realize that it is a false wall that leads to an area filled with grass and flowers. This is the secret area of Vault that is known to veterans.

That is not all of it.

You will also find a blue barrier that leads to more places. Unfortunately, to enter it, you will need a special cape called the founder's cape. This cape CANNOT be bought with normal hearts and currencies, it has to be bought with real-life money at the shop within the secret area. Other options would include asking for players who have the cape to be brought in. Or… waiting for special events like Days of Mischief for a bot to come and bring you in.

If you are asking whether you can try OOB methods to enter, I'm not exactly sure if you can do it. It has become difficult to enter with the warp walls surrounding the area. Even if you enter, you need someone with the gate to activate the special teleport gateway to enter the secret area.

(From now on, this includes spoilers about the secret area in Vault. Please skip ahead if you do not wish to be spoilt.)

The secret area is called "The Office". It is really an area that mimics the appearance of the office from TGC. Even the spirits that you relieve there for fun are also some of the office workers. Over there, you will see many easter eggs: the promotional pictures of Sky and other TGC games such as Journey. On special days, "The Office" will be decorated to fit the atmosphere for the event like Halloween decorations for Days of Mischief or Christmas decorations for Days of Feast.

(End of spoilers about the secret area.)


Lastly, I will cover the terminology used in Sky.

I have frequently used the word, "moth" throughout my entries. This is used to describe the newborns in this world. The superficial reason behind the name is due to the brown cape that they donned. Well, that is what I heard. But, a deeper description behind the name "Moth" would be that they are not fully well acquainted with the world of Sky although… that would be very much debatable.

Well, to each his own. I think you will know when you are not a moth when you know enough things about Sky.

Now, you may wonder what is the opposite of "Moths"? Actually, I don't think there is a term to call us. Maybe "Butterflies"?

"Veterans" are normally those who have lived just as long as the world of Sky, existing since the first season in Sky but that meaning has changed since we have more and more experienced players. So, maybe those who have stayed at least for 3 seasons? Ahahaha… well, I'm not very sure. We don't have a specific definition for these things but you will hear of these words from time to time. However, if there are, you can add on to this entry.

My words are never the law of this world. So, many things I mention can be subjected to changes. I only hope that this book can at least give you a direction, no matter how vague it is, into the unknown but wondrous world of Sky.

Next, we have nicknames for the winged lights. As you know, calling the "winged lights" can be too mouthy when you want to make a quick conversation. So, many have given shorter names for them like "shiny bois" or "stars". I'm sure there are several more nicknames for the "winged lights" that I have not mentioned here so be sure to share them here.

Lastly, the "Golden Wasteland" is an infamous place among Sky kids. It is not much of a wonder really, with all the krills lurking around and the ruins littered within. It has earned a few nicknames from me and my friends like "Wastie" or even "Washington".

Now, the nickname "Washington" is really just an inside joke among my friends. As we have to frequently mention Wasteland in our adventures together, some tend to mispronounce it to the point, the name became "Wash-ington", a place that desperately needs some washing. We had a few good days of laughter and jokes about it.


Anyway, I have said all I wanted for this entry. Unfortunately, that's not the end of the guide. There are still many more to be covered in the future but for now, let's have you guys digest all these bits of information. See you until the next entry!