Sky Log #23: A Moth's Guide Part 3

To be honest, this (very short) guide is additional information about Sky: Children of Light. It is not necessary to know about this but if you want to know, read on.

For this part, I decided to cover only 2 things: the difference between beta and normal players and the online Sky community. This information is useful for you when you really intended to play this game for a very, very long time.


Now, firstly the what is "beta players" and "normal players". The mention of "beta players" may probably throw you off the loop and confuse you. This is very different from the previous guide that talks about "veterans or butterflies versus moths".

Do you know that we have a beta version of Sky: Children of Light?

It is the testing grounds for future seasons and other potential changes. Unfortunately, this place is limited for a certain number of players. And these players are called "beta players". They are responsible for trying out the new seasons and functions. Then, they will feedback to thatskygame (TGC) so that the company can finetune it before they implement the official changes into our world. Of course, that's how you can get spoilers about the next season.

Of course, their help is indispensable. Without them, we would be facing far more bugs and problems. It's the reason why TGC once gifted the beta players with a special cape that allows access to the secret area in Vault. I have said it before in the previous entries, the cape cannot be bought with candles, it has to be bought with real-life money inside the secret area. That's how special the cape is. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if TGC will do any gifts for the beta players since I was never a part of that group before.

Every once in a while, TGC will refresh the beta spots so that new players can sign up for them. However, the spots are limited and are a first-come-first-served basis.

So, if you are planning to join the beta players, I will recommend that you participate in "Sky: Children of Light" official online groups and switch on your notification so that you will know when TGC decides to invite players to be beta testers.


Now, I may have briefly mentioned about the existence of official TGC platforms in the previous guide.

I believed they have it everywhere, in Skybook, InSkygram, Flitter and even Discorn. You can see where they have their bases before you log into the game. I mainly get my news from Discorn and InSkygram since I don't use Skybook nowadays. I don't have a Flitter account so… hehe.

Joining the official channels is very useful in knowing when important events are coming such as the next season, next days of something or even patch updates when the almighty patch Sky kid will come and fix the bugs in Sky world. Of course, every platform has their own pros and cons.

InSkygram platform is mainly for fast news. The type which you can read at a glance and go.

Discorn one for reading more in depth about the news. Plus, Discorn platform has more avenues there. You can talk to other players, make some new friends, get an Uber to drag you around the realms for light, do heart trades and many more.

I cannot say much for the other platforms, unfortunately. Maybe future readers can do me a favour and comment about them.


I believe they are useful for you in the long run.

Of course, if you find it too much of a hassle, it isn't a need for you to join those groups. This guide serves to ease your experience in Sky.

Happy moth-ing!