
Summary: The focus of the story now pans to you, the reader. What are some of the lessons you have learnt from the Lone Traveler? What will you do now? The adventure of the Lone Traveler was long over, but not yours. What is your adventure?

It has been several years since you last found the Lone Traveler's Diary in the Vault of Knowledge.

Since then, the stories and advice within have immensely helped your journey grow from a young moth to a fully-fledged butterfly. However, you did not stop there. Fully aware that the Lone Traveler is an actual Sky child, you searched for their whereabouts based on the book's last chapter. When you did find it, it was as they had promised.

A giant crystal tree in one of the seeded areas of Vault blooms all year round.

There was a cave covered up by sand in the direction of Eden, also the same place where the Traveler had a campfire meeting with the Little Prince. It was by pure coincidence that you found it, for you accidentally found yourself sliding into the depth of the ground when you retraced the steps of the Lone Traveler. You thought you were a goner as you tumbled down the long tunnel, unable to gain traction to stop yourself from rolling. Yet, when you reached the bottom, you fell into a pit of blue petals.

You coughed petals from your mouth as you shakily stood up and glanced around you. The ground was like the sea, and with every step you took, you could smell the lingering soothing scent of the blue crystal flowers. It was a sanctuary. And the resting place of the Lone Traveler, who now took the form of the tree.

When you first arrived, it was a place untouched by Sky children.

A small tombstone was erected at the tree's root, and it wore a giant orange sunhat. Instantly, you recognised the hat as one of the merchandise sold by the Crab Whisperer and realised that this was the hat belonging to the Lone Traveler. However, it was old and dusty. You felt that if you touched it, it might turn to dust.

From then on, it became your sanctuary. For a while, it was your favourite hiding spot, but as time passed, you realised that this was not honouring the Lone Traveler's wishes. So, you shared the area with your friends and other moths. Strangely enough, this place became a neutral ground. No one was allowed to fight in the territory of the Lone Traveler's tree. Even the powers of the Elder were unable to reach the tree. Their followers, who have a bit of their power granted by the Elders, could not use them inside.

You felt it was a pity for the Lone Traveler to become a tree. Yet, you know that their friends came to find them because of the appearance of the tombstone.

However, what you could not wrap your head around was the mysteries surrounding the Lone Traveler.

Who was the child that the Lone Traveler saw when they were severely injured? What was the Wasteland Elder so afraid of? Why was it that even if the Lone Traveler's friends found the tree, its presence was unknown to the public? Was the Sky Kingdom not a peaceful place? What mysteries were hidden underneath the murky waters of the land?

"Blitz!" You turned your attention to the sound of your nickname.

Your best friend, longtime partner, and companion waved at you. While their mask covered their face, you know they were excited by the sound of their manta call. Today, they donned a large, heavy, military-style cloak with a fluffy hairstyle. They also wore a flower crown made of blue petals from the tree, a gift made by you. It was the opposite of the style they wore yesterday; a tight-fitting suit that hugged their natural curves and a yellow cloak with a scruffy beard and no hair. No matter what changes they made to their appearance, you could still recognise them. It would be strange not to because the both of you have been together through thick and thin. They were your first friend in the Kingdom of Sky. You smiled at them and walked away from the tree towards them. The moment you reached them, you accepted their hug, and a pink heart blossomed out from the two of you.

Answers could be found slowly, but relationships, as you had learned from the Lone Traveler, were unreplaceable. You do not want to regret missing the chance to see your friends for one last time.