Sky Log #40: Goodbye

…It turned out that information about the strange wizard in Golden Wasteland… was used to bait me.

I was surrounded by all sides when I entered Forgotten Ark. The Wasteland Elder's disciples came to take me away, but I fought hard despite having a losing battle. I thought I was a goner, but somehow my friends knew I was there. They came and fought them off, allowing me to run away. Val even slipped me a candle before I left. It was an address for a safe house.

I took less than a day to reach the safe house and rested there. There, I met my healer, who was waiting for me. They were horrified that my illness had flared up and tried to keep them down but to no avail. I had exhausted all options. The only choice was to sneak into Eden, which was locked. It was also the perfect place to escape the sight of the disciples and the Wasteland Elder. My healer was adamant that I shouldn't go, but we both knew it was a matter of time before this safe house was compromised. Not only that, we hadn't heard a peep from my friends who went to save me.

It took a day of convincing for them to give in. I went to prepare my things and left message candles behind for those I really wanted to talk to. Parting… gifts. I felt that I wouldn't return from this trip to Eden.

However, I'm not afraid. I was more fearful of turning into a monster and hurting people. As a Traveler who devoted much of their time to looking after the realms, their creatures, and the children, I found becoming a krill unimaginable. It was the worst type of death I could be in.

Perhaps, I might turn into those trapped, fallen children at Eden. Or something else.

… But I hope I become a tree.

A shelter for scared little kids like you who are reading this book now. I wanted my tree to bear blue flowers all year round. The colour blue is such a beautiful colour that reflects so much life. Blue is the colour of the clear sky, an indication of a good day. Blue is reflected in the waters, the very source of energy that all living need. Blue is found everywhere, a pigment that compliments nature.

I may have adapted my wish after seeing the cherry blossom tree in Home. Or that tree that I saw in the Vault of Knowledge.

Maybe someday…

You will find a colossal blue crystal tree tucked away in another realm.

In an isolated cave with light illuminating it, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds. It stands tall and imposing but inviting at the same time. It will quietly blossom blue flowers all year round. The sapphire petals will keep falling, turning the soft ground into the ocean. You will find solace under the solid and sturdy branches. So much so that you would fall asleep under the comfort and warmth of the bark you lean on, surrounded by soft petals.

It will be your secret place.

… Or maybe a forever home for you and your friends.

I shall leave this diary in the safe hands of my healer. They will leave it somewhere where a moth will find this book. I'm afraid that towards the end, I could not see my dear friends' faces for one last time. I hope that nothing terrible happens to them. The Kingdom has now cast suspicion upon me, while the Wasteland Elder has secrets to keep. I do not know what knowledge I have that caused the Elder to be so wary. If I were to place my bets, it would be among the piles I gave to Vivi. If so, I hope that the Vault Elder protects her well.

That is… all for now.

Tomorrow, I will depart to Eden before my eyesight gets any more restricted by the dark shards. Perhaps, someday… I will meet you, my dear reader, in another form.

Until then, farewell.