Blackstar Iron Handcuffs

"Never mind that." Klein Seymour waved off Quinn Richmond's question before demanding, "Quickly tell me more about your findings on this brick."

Seeing his question was avoided, Quinn Richmond did not put it to heart and shrugged nonchalantly.

Shortly after, he casually spoke, "Well. The horrendous stench aside, it is actually very impressive how compacted and dense this block of turd is. I'm not sure who was bored to refine such a thing, but they managed to keep it in such a fresh state despite its present hardness."

"Wait a minute, Quinn. Are you saying this brick of a turd can become even harder?" Klein Seymour asked with surprise.

"That is exactly what I am saying." Quinn Richmond nodded before he continued explaining, "Just like normal turds, they harden after undergoing oxidization. The only difference is this turd is on a whole different level of hardness. You can say it's the mother turd of all turds."