Interrogation Room

After Albion left with Officer Xiao, lackey came up to Reagan Declan and inquired, "What should we do now, boss? The big boss has been arrested. Should we…?"

He did not complete his question, but his intention was clear.

If the big boss was arrested, Boss Reagan could become the big boss of their Declan Gang again, not having to be below anyone.

Reagan Declan understood the person's intention clearly. As such, he nodded before giving the person a smack on the head with a fierce glint.

"Boss? Why did you hit me?" said the lackey.

"Use your head for a moment. The Bloodmoon Gang no longer needs us as their pawns and wanted to dispose of us. Even if the big boss took down the branch leader's right-hand man, isn't there still the branch leader, Boss Gai? How can we deal with that person without the big boss?"

Reagan Declan spoke.