Probably Not Important

While the misunderstanding with Captain Wudi's supposed feat of uprooting the Bloodmoon Gang's Silvercove Branch continued, a news reporting team was on the verge of tears near the police station's ruins.

"What do you mean we are not getting any viewers? The destruction of the police station should be a hot topic!" A man inside the white van argued on the phone.

[Look, buddy. No matter what you say, the statistics don't lie. The chief is not happy with Miss Kaires' performance. If the viewership rating doesn't hit at least 5% city-wide, she should be prepared to quit her job.]

The other side relayed the Editor-in-Chief's words helplessly.

"I see... Alright, I understand. Thanks." The man sighed before hanging up.

Shortly after, the man popped his head out of the van, "Take a break, Miss Kaires. Words from the chief came in."

"Alright, any reason why we are getting below standard viewership rating?" Hu Kaires asked with a downcast expression.