There's Too Many of Them

Once Albion was dried and changed into black sleeping wear, he picked up his smartphone, punched in his home address with a few key instructions before sending the text to Ah Zhen, Reagan Declan, and Meng Yan.

Shortly after, he hopped in bed and surfed the net on his phone.

Naturally, the first thing he did was checked the news. He was two years and three months behind on the Apocalypse.

It was strange that the world could still operate normally amidst the ongoing invasion of interdimensional beasts.

"This can't be all there is to the Apocalypse. An Apocalypse that can't end the world can't possibly be considered an Apocalypse… The true terror of the Apocalypse has yet to be seen… or perhaps the most crucial information is being hidden from the public?" Albion mused.

The government was definitely keeping secrets. There was no doubt about that. Withholding critical information to prevent potential panic was a prevalent governmental decision.


9th February 2023, 12:15AM