Follow Me And Prosper, Betray Me And Die!


At Skylark Hill's gated community entrance, the steel gates slow opened from the inside before a luxurious black car exited.

"Have a nice day, Miss Qing." A security guard bowed respectfully as Xiao Qing nodded back from the driver's seat.

Xiao Hua stuck her head out from the window on the passenger's side and waved, "Bye-bye, security brother!"

"Have fun outside, Little Hua." The security guard immediately broke into smiles and waved back at the adorable girl before they left.

The security guard shook his head while his face was still full of smiles, even after the black car was gone.

However, before the security guard could relax, a group of six black cars with unfamiliar number plates arrived before him.

After a dozen menacing men in black suits exited their vehicles, the security guard quickly broke into cold sweats.