Dinner Invitation

"Is this some sort of satanic cult ritual, or vampiric contract or something? Anyway, count me in," Ah Zhen laughed without pressure before he picked up one of the glass cups of diluted blood, drinking it without hesitation.

Shortly after, Reagan Declan also made his choice and picked up the glass cup. After drinking, he felt some weight lifted off his shoulders.

Albion glanced at him and smiled lightly, "You won't need that cast anymore."

"Huh?" Reagan Declan was stunned by the Young Master's words before he felt some subtle changes to his arms.

Shortly after, he had a strange feeling that his arm has been healed. After breaking the cast, he realized that it was true!

Meng Yan's eyes quickly flickered with deep thoughts for a moment before he also made the decision to drink.

Sometime later, everyone present eventually caved in and also made their choice to drink.