Shocked to Death

Inside of the Hunter Association's main headquarters, the management team in charge of maintaining Hunter World's smooth operation was suddenly alerted by an ethereal voice, "A problem has appeared in Section BC-BA12205."

The ethereal voice belonged to a female—at least by the sound of it.

However, there was no emotion in her voice, and it came directly from the monitoring screens in front of the management team.

"Huh? A problem in Section BC-BA12205? It has been a while since the last problem popped up..." A male commented with surprise before asking, "I wonder what the problem is this time?"

"Section BC-BA12205 should be in the Beginner City's region... Please show us what is happening in the area, Impartial Goddess," The female personnel made a request to the female AI in charge of micro-managing everything inside of Hunter World.

Shortly after, the screens all changed to the battle royale on the King of the Hill map in section BC-BA12205.

"Serious Punch!"

"Serious Kick!"