Technical Difficulties

'Goldfinger, it's your turn to shine,' Albion communicated with his mind while he was trapped.


Goldfinger threw a bunch of question marks, causing Albion to immediately roll his eyes and snorted, 'Don't give me that sh*t. You know exactly what I am talking about.'

[If the host does not specify, Goldfinger will not know what the host is talking about.]

Goldfinger stated dumbly.

'You want to keep pretending you don't know, huh?' Albion snickered before he threatened, 'If you don't start paying out the rewards you owe me immediately, I'ma have to start charging interest.'


+30 Divine Energy

[Balance: 34/1000 Divine Energy.]

[Goldfinger would like to remind the host that delayed rewards are not the same as loans. There is no such thing as interest! Behaving like a loan shark is not advised!]

Goldfinger immediately stated after handing over the reward without hesitation.