Handsome Compensation

Once Albion spoke, the surrounding participants paused in silent contemplation before murmurs immediately broke out in the crowd.

"The Strongest Wizard is right..." A Hunter smiled wryly before saying, "Why are we so serious?"

"Sure, the prize money is tempting, but if it's not meant to belong to us, why force it? A bit of EXP and credit is something I can afford to lose."

"This Hunter is right." Another Hunter nodded in agreement before inserting his opinion, "Everything is just a game. We should learn to have fun..."

"Learn to have fun? Are you kidding me? Are you saying that if people want to stick their schlong up your bungschmuckler, you should also learn to enjoy?" the angry Hunter retorted.

"What the hell is a bungschmuckler? Who even says something like that?"

"It means bum hole, ya bloody knobhead." The angry Hunter rolled his eyes furiously before firmly stating, "I refuse to let this cheater win!"