Can I Help You?

"If they already expanded their child trafficking business into the southern suburban district, then they must have touched the orphanages with their grubby claws," One member of the Declan Gang voiced his opinion.


Reagan Declan slammed his fist against a concrete pillar in anger, "Dammit! The Metti Gang really has no tact. They do not respect the three golden rules of Silvercove City's underworld at all!"

"Did the underworld have such a thing?" A relatively new member asked with surprise before adding, "I thought the underworld is supposed to be a lawless section of society where anything goes…"

"You only just joined the gang recently, so it is not surprising that you have not been made aware of the three golden rules, Joe. As you said, the underworld is lawless. But Silvercove City's underworld operates differently."

"Nevertheless, that original balance and agreement set by the four gangs have been broken by the looks of it."