I Got One More Question

"Who the hell are you, and what are you loitering around here for?" The thug interrogated, poking in the rib with his black handgun.

Albion glanced at the black handgun with Eyes of Ashura before he casually responded, "Oh, don't mind me. I'm just watching a show."

"Well, there's nothing for you to see here. Hurry up and beat it!" The thug poked Albion in the rib with his handgun, urging him to leave quickly.

Nevertheless, Albion remained unmoving.

Rather, he raised an eyebrow before calmly stating, "Poke one more time, and you will regret it."

"Oh?" The thug was surprised.

He did not expect the young man to not only be unafraid of his handgun but also brave enough to threaten him back.

"So what if I poke you again? I really want to see how you are going to make me regret it!" The thug spouted disdainfully.


The safety was removed.