Not a Peaceful Auction

"Two little foodies, what a hassle it is to take care of you two. Keep still." A clean handkerchief appeared in Albion's hand before he wiped their mouths and said, "We can grab some more later."

"Hehe, Boss is the best!" Little Wuxin cheered.

"Is it really okay for us to eat such nice food and wear such nice clothes, though?" Little Sally asked doubtfully, "I don't think anyone other than Big Sister Estelle would treat us this well…"

'Big Sister Estelle? Where have I heard this name?'

Albion paused for a moment before he stopped thinking about it with a shake of his head. It was probably not someone important.

"I am not treating you well for nothing. This is an investment. Since I bought you, you belong to me now. My people are all expected to be able to eat well and dress well. In return, I expect them to work hard for me, understand?"

"Yes, Wuxin will work hard too!" Little Wuxin raised her small fist and promised innocently.