Abestel Family's Ambition

In the backstage of the large auction room, the Metti group's men continued their work, arranging the valuable items in order according to the auction list.

"Oi, oi. What are you guys doing here? This place is off-limits—" 


Before a man could finish hollering at the new group of men intruding backstage, he was given a smack on the head.

"Quiet, these guys are the Abestel family's men," another person stated before turning to the Abestel family's people and asked, "May I ask what brings you here, sirs?" 

"Don't mind us. We are just on patrol to make sure the auction progresses smoothly tonight. Continue with what you are doing." 

"Yes, sir."

With that said, the Abestel family's subordinates continued on their way, passing the backstage before taking a strange turn to the lower floor beneath the auction room.

The Metti group's men were immediately puzzled.