A Very Bad Person

"Big sister, you should listen to Master. What Master said is correct. We are all alone here. Only Master can keep us safe," Fenriri tried to persuade her elder sister. 

However, her persuasion immediately made the older wolf-girl gazed back at her little sister in disbelief.

"M-M-Master…? Little sister, do you know what you are saying?! Not only did you give away your true name, but you are also addressing this person as…Master?!" She was exasperated.

At the same time, Albion's eyes flickered before giving Fenriri a second glance with a thoughtful expression.

'Interesting…' He thought. 

The younger wolf-girl was full of cuteness, but if she was to be underestimated due to this, it would be his undoing. 

'The younger one is more gifted with intelligence than the older one, huh?' He mused.