Don't Worry, They Won't Know

Silvercove City, Central District. 

Over at the location of the police department, where the new department building was still in the making, hundreds of police officers have gathered from around the entire city after receiving an emergency summon.

Chief Waiyu stood tall on an elevated platform and overlooked the officers gathering in front of him before checking the time. 

Seeing the time was up, Chief Waiyu no longer waited and began speaking, "As you know, several fierce battles around the city have been blown out of proportions and alarmed even the world government." 

"As such, we have been tasked by the mayor to head over there and control the situation. We have to prevent the battles from spreading and minimize the civilian casualties caught within." 

"Don't tell me that we have to fight with those high-level hunters? Isn't that like…suicide?!" Officer Wan asked with shock.