Chaotic City

Shortly after Albion had his cultivation unsealed for resealing it again, a pair of twins had shot outside the Eastern Allure Auction to investigate the source of the energy surge. 

However, no one seemed to have noticed them as they moved inside their camouflage barrier.

"The trace of True Immortal disappeared again, Ceone," Cetwo reported after checking the energy readings have returned to stable levels. 

As the two female regulators hover in the sky, Ceone observed the location of the energy surge before her gaze fell on Albion's figure.

"It's that telekinesis-user again?" Ceone furrowed her brows and said, "This person's Soul Strength does not match the True Immortal's level, but why is he at the location of the energy surged? How suspicious—"


The person threw a rock at hypersonic speed!

Ceone and Cetwo were suddenly stunned by Albion's display of brute strength before they glanced at each other for a moment.