Life Aura


The police car came to a sudden stop before Estelle Xiao's gaze froze at the sight of the damage on the hood. 

The higher-ups in the force will definitely send her an invoice to pay for the damage. Why was she so unlucky? 

"Dammit, who the hell is throwing rocks?" Estelle Xiao stuck her head out the window to take a look above her. 


Wuxin exclaimed as she hurled the rocks off the rooftop with no specific target in mind, thinking it was the same for the boss. 

"Boss, this is pretty fun!" Wuxin said before asking with concern, "But is it okay to throw rocks down like this? Won't people get hurt?"

"It's fine, it's fine. There are only bad people below, so it is okay even if they get hurt," Albion casually said.


Another victim's foot was smashed by Albion's hypersonic rock-throwing.