Submit or Die

While Albion was cringing over his own actions inwardly, he succeeded in awing the two wolf-girls, nonetheless.

"I'm not sure what Master means, but Master seems very cool!" Fenriri stated. 

"Uh-huh…" Albion uttered ruefully before he suddenly paused and said, "You don't know what I mean, huh? Seems like I need to have you two undertake cultural lessons and introduce you two to anime."

At the same time, the wolf-men gathered around their dead lord and mourned with anguish for some time.

"My Lord, your death was too abrupt and untimely!"

"We swear to avenge to you, Lord Bahrain!"

Shortly after, the wolf-men directed their hatred at the culprit before one of them snapped, "Do you have any idea what you have done, hairless monkey?!" 

"Lord Bahrain was a person destined for greatness!" Another wolf-man shouted.