Let Him Rot In There

After listening to Albion's words, Fenriri and Fenrira's eyes lit up before Fenrira, "Yes, Master! Thank you! I will do just that right away!"

Shortly after, Fenrira separated from her younger sister and quickly went over to interrogate the group of wolf-men, who appeared to have been Bahrain's closest subordinates.

Fenriri appeared to have something to say but hesitated. 

Albion noticed her expression and casually said, "Let us go for a walk."

"Yes, Master," Fenriri complied obediently.

As they began to tour around Stronghold 01, Albion shortly asked, "What are you hesitating about? Speak freely." 

"Yes, Master," Fenriri nodded and said with wrinkled brows, "Fenriri doesn't understand. Although Master appears to be helping us out of self-interest, you are actually nice and kind."

"Wrong. Integrating the Iceborn Wolf Tribe into my organization has always been my main interest. I just don't discriminate races," Albion stated calmly.