Fenriri Wants To Save Food

Knowing what the emperor was thinking about, one of the subordinates quickly said, "Your Majesty does not need to worry about the Lord's identity being exposed to the guests at once."

"The Lord's…carefree actions… have made everyone suspect that the Lord is the spoiled son of some powerful commander. Truth be told, this subordinate would have thought the person was a beggar who escaped a mental institution if this subordinate was not aware it was the Lord behind the red oni mask."

"Watch your tongue, soldier! That is the Lord you are talking about," Emperor Polemos reprimanded with a stern glare, causing the subordinate to break into cold sweats immediately.

Shortly after, the subordinate dropped to his knees and said, "Please forgive me, Your Majesty. This subordinate has spoken impudently."

"Tell me the details of the situation at the banquet," Emperor Polemos demanded with a frown. 

"Yes, Your Majesty!"