Kneel And Greet The Lord!

Upon Emperor Polemos's arrival, his majestic and vigorous voice captured everyone's attention as the guests rejoiced. 

"Emperor Polemos is finally here. That boastful young man is dead now." 

"I was getting fed up with his messy eating. His presence really ruins one's mood and appetite."

Various smug comments were made, both openly and silently, as the guests cleared the path and observed with anticipation for the emperor to administer his punishment.

However, Emperor Polemos froze on the spot after hearing the Lord's casual question.

At that moment, the frog-masked young master quickly rushed out from the crowd and approached Emperor Polemos before he cried with injustice.

 "Your Majesty! That guest in the red oni mask has been very rude throughout the banquet, daring to disrespect Your Majesty! This subordinate sought to educate that person on manners but not only was that person unrepentant, he also physically assaulted this subordinate!"