The Blizzard Earthworm's Usage

As the blizzard earthworms gathered around in mourning of their fallen king, Albion rubbed the blue stain off the sole of his shoe on the ground before he noticed the group of bluish-white earthworms on the ground. 

"Oh, what do we have here?" Albion softly exclaimed with curiosity. 

The tiny bluish-white earthworms circled around the puddle of blue substance like they were worshipping it from his perspective, but in truth, he had stepped on their king and popped the little bugger.

"Oh, sh*t. Sorry about that. Must have been someone important to you little guys," Albion apologized with surprise.

Nevertheless, the moment he approached for a closer look, his towering shadow loomed over them once more, startling them as their raised their heads at Albion and Fenriri's figure. 

"Oh, no! There are still people from the Iceborn Wolf Tribe here! It hasn't been completely abandoned yet!"