Lesser Cold Region

As Albion mentioned bringing the blizzard earthworms back to Earth, Fenriri recalled her master's ability to take things in and out of thin air. 

"Master, are you going to carry the earthworms in that secret space of yours?" Fenriri inquired. 

"Secret space, you say...? Ah, you mean this interspatial ring," Albion quickly understood her meaning before shaking his head, "No, that will result in a mass genocide of the blizzard earthworms."

"Oh..." Fenriri uttered with surprise.

Although the interspatial storage can preserve the state of an item placed inside, putting living creatures inside is the same as putting a stop to their breathing and other bodily functions, killing them instantly. 

After looking around for a moment, Albion found an abandoned large chest before replacing its contents with soil and blizzard earthworms.