City Lord Baschmi


Being in an unfamiliar yet new environment, Albion did not think there would be someone kind enough to pay for him. 

He glanced at the person with interest and uttered, "You are...?"

"L-Lord Baschmi!" the kebab owner exclaimed with shock before crying, "I-I don't dare take your money, my Lord!"

"Since you are acquainted with the city lord, please take it for free!" the kebab store owner stated. 

After being slightly surprised by the newcomer's identity, Albion shook his head and said, "That will not do. You obviously have a store to run, and I am a customer. I should pay..."

"N-No! Please, sir. I insist!" the kebab store owner stated firmly. 

"Since he has said as such, you should accept his good gesture, friend from outside," City Lord Baschmi said with a friendly smile to Albion. 

"By the way, how may I address you?"

"Albion will do."