Black-Hearted Albion

"Which star realm, huh? This world is called the Netherfrost Blizzard Realm. But if you're asking which star realm it belongs to, then most likely, no one will be able to answer your question," Albion stated. 

"I'm not a local here either, but from what I've seen and heard, the level of civilization in this realm has yet to advance to the interstellar phase to traverse the stars."

"I see…. The Netherfrost Blizzard Realm… I do not have any recollection of this name…" City Lord Baschmi muttered with a frown before he suddenly paused and looked up at Albion.

"Sir Albion is not a local? Does that mean other cities have also been transported to this world? Is there something special about this world, I wonder?" 

"Well, I won't deny the possibility of otherworldly cities being transported exists. However, I came here of my own volition by means of a portal connecting this world and the next," Albion said while gazing back at the City Lord calmly.