Frozen Layer of the Underworld

Netherfrost Blizzard Realm, Blue Wyvern City

A female subordinate in smart formal wear could be seen walking with hurried footsteps in the corridor before stopping in front of the city lord's office and knocked on the door. 

After being granted permission, the female subordinate quickly entered the office before City Lord Baschmi glanced back. 

"Have you found out what the tremor was?" City Lord Baschmi inquired before the female subordinate could speak. 

"Yes, my Lord!" the female subordinate quickly answered for explaining further, "We have detected a large amount of geographic movement and spatial interference in the north. We believe that it is like due to…"

"Spatial interference?" City Lord Baschmi muttered before the female subordinate could finish explaining before he raised an eyebrow and asked, "You don't mean…?