Albion's Encouragement

"Frozen layer of the Underworld?" 

Fenriri's eyes widened with surprise before she asked incredulously, "Does such a mythical place truly exist?"

"Of course it does," Albion smiled and said, "Why? You can believe in the existence of gods, but you can't accept the existence of an underworld where dead souls go?"

"Uh, it's not like that, Master," Fenriri shook her head and said, "It's just that we've never come in contact with such a place before, so it's shocking to hear it's real."

"Nevertheless, what should we do about this, Master? These Frost Demons just keep spawning out from the ground without end, and they seem hostile to all life. If we don't do anything, won't the Netherfrost Blizzard Realm turn into a wasteland of the dead?"

"Hm, you have a point," Albion agreed before he paused and said, "However, the presence of the frozen layer of the Underworld isn't exactly a bad thing."