Bug Infestation

"I suppose falling out of the sky was a bit too much…" Ceone muttered after some thought.

"Seems like using the same plan again will not work. Let's see what other trick we can use from this [100 Tips to Seducing a Man]."

Having said that, Ceone flipped open a women's magazine before she started frowning after a brief read.

"Strange. The sense of fashion and beauty in this magazine is too different from what the stylists on Damocles told us. Are these phoenix dresses truly the latest fashion? I'm starting to doubt this," Ceone expressed her doubt.

"Comment; Cetwo also thinks there is a problem with our current appearances. Forgetting the current world's trend, Cetwo's own sense of style finds these dresses to be a little outlandish," Cetwo inserted her opinion.

As the two Regulators were exchanging their opinions in the middle of a small rural village on the outskirts of Stillwater City, several villagers were seen going about their daily lives.