Cao Wudi's Breakthrough

Half an hour after the call ended, Cao Wudi arrived in Stillwater City using the spaceship before appearing before Albion and Fenriri on the rooftop of Profound Blossom Hotel.

"What kind of life-or-death task do you have for me this time, Master?" Cao Wudi asked with a resigned yet determined look as if he was prepared to embrace death.

Without any surprises, his comical behavior easily made Albion smile with amusement. 

"Life-or-death task? You speak too seriously, Wudi. Take this to the local Hunter Association branch and inform them about the bug infestation taking over this city. You will need Polemos's help to resolve it."

"Bug infestation?"

A sealed wooden box was tossed into Cao Wudi's arms before he felt it shaking vigorously as if something was trying to break out. 

However, the sealed wooden box contained spiritual energy reinforcement, making the wooden box far sturdier than any ordinary wooden box.